Linux Tutorials on the topic “debian”

  • Install Steps VHCS in Debian 3.1 base install

    Author: sachiTags: Comments: 1

    Install Steps VHCS in Debian 3.1 base install On install of Debian, select no packages to be installed, allow it to connect to the internet and let it download anything it needs, usually its libs etc. Exim is most likely installed at this point so dont worry it will be removed shortly.1).vi /etc/apt/sources.list (add the following sources)Code: deb stable main deb-src stable main

  • Simple Apache 2 Tomcat 5 mod_jk integration

    Author: fernandochTags: Comments: 8

    Simple Apache 2 Tomcat 5 mod_jk Integration The whole tutorial is based on many tutorials, but I made a very simple one, with no virtual hosts. The main source of info can be found here:

  • Debian Sarge (3.1) with Ruby on Rails and Apache 2 with FastCGI

    Author: tomwTags: Comments: 6

    Debian Sarge (3.1) with Ruby on Rails and Apache 2 with FastCGI This HowTo will step you through installing Debian (Sarge) with Ruby on Rails and Apache 2 with FastCGI managed with ISPConfig.This HowTo is based mainly on The Perfect Setup -- Debian Sarge (3.1) by Falko -- consult that HowTo for basic Debian Network Install Setup.

  • Greylisting - fight Spam with Postgrey and Postfix on Debian and Ubuntu

    debian Author: erkTags: , , Comments: 9

    There are numerous ways to prevent spam from reaching your inbox, the most popular is probably SpamAssassin. Greylisting will not replace spam filtering software like SA but it will serve as a powerful first hurdle for spam thus reducing the ammount of spam entering the system at all.

  • Getting Things Done in the New Year

    Author: joeTags: Comments: 2

    Getting Things Done in the New Year Author: Joe Topjian <joe [at] adminspotting [dot] net> What a better way to start the New Year off than to get organized. There's this really cool Rails application called Tracks that will give you a web-based management interface for organization. Setting it up is pretty easy, and that's what I'll be going over here.

  • How to Install Paperless with Nginx on Debian

    debian Author: Karl WakimTags: , , Comments: 0

    Paperless is a Python application that ingests scanned documents, indexes them, and presents them in a user-friendly web interface. In this tutorial, we will install Paperless with an Nginx HTTPS reverse proxy on Debian 10.