Linux Tutorials on the topic “c-programming”
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 7: Arrays
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, programming • Comments: 0A variable is something which can hold a value of a particular type - it could be an integer, character, or even floating point. However, there's one limitation of variables: they can only hold a single value at any given time. This tutorial shows the basics of using Arrays, which can hold multiple values.
C Command Line Tutorial 6 - Code indentation, increment/decrement operators, do-while and for loops, and more
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 2We have covered a total of 5 C programming tutorials so far. Each tutorial focused on something specific. In process of remaining close to the topic, some generic concepts remained untouched. Some of those concepts we'll be discussing here in this tutorial.
C Programming Tutorial Part 5 - Character variables
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 0In the previous two tutorials, we discussed the basics of variables including how they occupy memory. But we mainly focused on integers and floats. In this tutorial, we will discuss about characters (or char type variables).
C Programming Tutorial 4 - Variables and Memory
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 1In this tutorial series so far, we have discussed how to create and run a basic C program, what are preprocessors, as well as basics of variables. Now let's dig a bit deep into variables and discuss the memory aspect.
C Programming Tutorial Part 3 - Variables basics
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 2In this tutorial, we will show you the basics of using variables in C programming.
C Programming Tutorial Part 2 - Preprocessors
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, programming • Comments: 0In the first part of our ongoing C programming tutorial series, we briefly touched on the preprocessing stage. In this tutorial, we will discuss it in a little more detail so that you have a basic idea about it before learning other C programming aspects.
C Programming Language - Introduction
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 1This tutorial is the first part of a C programming language course on Linux. C is a procedural programming language that was designed by American computer scientist Dennis Ritchie. Please note that we'll be using Linux for all our examples and explanation. Specifically, we'll be using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Integrate Video Streaming Into Your C/C++ Application Using Nex Gen Media Server API
Author: sanyoliu1 • Tags: ubuntu, c-programming • Comments: 2Integrate Video Streaming Into Your C/C++ Application Using Nex Gen Media Server API Recently I took a closer look at Nex Gen Media Server and their API framework. NGMS is a multi-purpose streaming server which supports some of the popular streaming protocols such as RTSP, RTMP, Apple's HTTP Live, and MPEG-2 Transport Stream. NGMS comes with transcoding support and is able to capture and reformat live video streams and adapt them to be received by another type of device, such as capturing an HD video feed and converting it to be received by an iPhone over 3g. My focus was to integrate the NGMS API to control the streaming features directly from my own C application. In this example I am using Ubuntu Linux 10.04.
Beginner's Guide To c++
Author: mikieosullivan • Tags: c-programming • Comments: 19Beginner's Guide To c++ This is a guide to the very basics of c++ its aimed at people who have never programmed in C++, it covers setting up the program, and also the basics of variable definition, commenting, the cout and cin function and basic operators.
Reading Files From The Linux Kernel Space (Module/Driver) (Fedora 14)
Author: Pavel Abrosimov • Tags: kernel, fedora, c-programming • Comments: 8
Reading Files From The Linux Kernel Space (Module/Driver) (Fedora 14) It seems like operations that communicate with userspace are really discouraged. And I am not arguing with that. Although it doesn't mean that they cannot be accomplished. A driver loads configuration that could be stored only on HDD. When MS Windows XP boots up it remembers that I have turned Bluetooth off so it is not powered on, unlike even the latest Linux (Fedora 14 at the moment of writing) – such functionality in many drivers was not implemented. When developer uses procfs or character devices there should be another software or script in boot sequence that is actually sending information from a file to particular device. After some time looking over the internet I have managed to write such module that reads a file.