Linux Tutorials on the topic “c-programming”
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 17: Variable Initialization
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, programming • Comments: 0Initialization of variables is something which we have been doing throughout this ongoing C programming tutorial series so far, but we never really discussed it explicitly. Well, that changes now as we'll be discussing variable initialize in a bit of detail here.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 16: Switch, Break, and Continue statements
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, programming • Comments: 0We've already discussed some of the basic loops used in the C programming language, including for, while, and do...while. In this part of our Linux C Programming tutorial series, we will show you how to use switch, break and continue statements in C.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 15 - 2's Complement and Negative numbers
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 1Up until now, in this ongoing C programming tutorial series, we have discussed quite a few concepts, but missed a basic one. It's about negative numbers. Yeah, though we briefly mentioned signed vs unsigned variables in one of our initial tutorials, we didn't actually discuss how negative numbers are stored in memory.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 14 - Bitwise operators practical examples
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 1In one of our earlier articles, we discussed the basics of bitwise operators. I hope you went through that article and are now ready to witness and understand some practical usage examples of these operators.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 13 - Bitwise Operators (Basics)
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, programming • Comments: 0Up until now in this ongoing C programming tutorial series, we have discussed multiple kinds of operators, like arithmetic, logical, relational, and assignment. However, there's another kind of operators that are very integral to the C programming language. We are talking about bitwise operators.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 12 - Assignment Operators and Conditional Expressions
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 0In this ongoing C programming tutorial series, we have already discussed some of the basic stuff like arithmetic, logical, and relational operators as well as conditional loops like 'if' and 'while'. Adding upon that, this tutorial will focus on assignment operators (other than =) and conditional expressions.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 11 - Arithmetic, Relational, and Logical operators
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 0Up until now, in this C programming tutorial series, we have discussed about basic things like functions, arrays, variables, and more. Continuing with the flow, in this tutorial, we will discuss another such basic concept: operators.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 10 - Variable Scopes
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 0If you are following our C programming tutorial series, you should be aware of the concept of variables. While we've discussed the basics of variables, there's another important aspect related to variables that we'll be discussing here: scope of variables.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 9 : Strings
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 1In this ongoing C programming tutorial series, we have already touched upon the concept of character arrays. Closely related to character arrays is the concept of strings, which we'll be discussing here.
Linux C Programming Tutorial Part 8 - Call by Value Vs Call by Pointer/Address
Author: Himanshu Arora • Tags: c-programming, linux, programming • Comments: 0In C language, you can call a function in a couple of ways: call by value and call by pointer or address. Let's discuss both these concepts with some easy to understand examples.