Linux Tutorials on the topic “c-programming”

  • Learning C/C++ Step-By-Step

    Author: ganesh35Tags: Comments: 34

    Learning C/C++ Step-By-Step Many people are really interested in learning and implementing C/C++ programs on their favorite platforms like DOS/Windows or Linux. If you are the one looking for a step-by-step guide to get started, this tutorial is for you. Let me know your comments on  my tiny attempt to serve the community.

  • An Explanation of Pointers (C++)

    Author: VirtualEntityTags: Comments: 1

    An Explanation of Pointers (C++) Pointers are basically the same as any other variable. However, what is different about them is that instead of containing actual data, they contain a pointer to the memory location where information can be found. This is a very important concept, and many programs and ideas rely on pointers as the basis of their design, linked lists for example.