The Perfect Desktop - OpenSUSE 12.2 (GNOME Desktop) - Page 3
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6 Configure Online Software Repositories
Now we configure the online software repositories that our OpenSUSE 12.2 system will use to install further software. Go to Activities > Applications > YaST:
You will have to type in the root password:
In YaST, select Software Repositories:
The Configured Software Repositories window opens. Click on the Add button:
Select Community Repositories and hit ENTER:
You will get a list of predefined online repositories. Select them all to make sure your system can install all available OpenSUSE 12.2 packages if they are needed. Click on OK afterwards:
Now the lists of available packages are being downloaded from the repositories. It's possible that your system doesn't know the public keys of all repositories, so if you see a message like this, you can click on the Trust button:
Afterwards, close YaST and open a terminal to install a few more repositories. Log in as root with:
Enter your password and use the following commands to add the needed repositories:
zypper ar -f
zypper ar -f libdvdcss
zypper ar -f
zypper ar -f
Update the repositories with
zypper ref
7 Installing Additional Software
Now that we have added additional repositories, a lot more packages are available in our package manager for installation, especially a big deal of our needed packages. To install them, go to Activities > Applications > Install/Remove Software:
Type in the root password:
The Software Manager window comes up. You can use the Find field to search the repositories for packages:
To mark a package for installation, check the checkbox in front of it:
Select the following packages for installation (* is a wildcard; e.g. gstreamer-0_10* means all packages that start with gstreamer-0_10:
- filezilla
- MozillaThunderbird
- dvdrip
- vlc
- acroread
- scribus
- audacity
- bluefish
- k3b
- libdvdcss2
- libdvdcss2-32bit (you don't need this on a 64 bit system)
- free-ttf-fonts
- fetchmsttfonts
- gstreamer-0_10
- gstreamer-0_10-32bit (you don't need this on a 64 bit system)
- gstreamer-0_10* (only the packages belonging to your architecture)
- java-1_7_0-openjdk
- libqt4-devel (needed by Skype)
- virtualbox
- ffmpeg
- lame
- w32codec-all
- libdvdplay0
- libmad0
- sox
- libxvidcore5
- xvidcore
- libavcodec52
- libavdevice52
- libvlccore4
- libvlc5
- libquicktime0
- audacity
- kino
- eclipse
- pinta
- deluge
- dropbox
- marble
- winff
- gedit
These are the packages for all the other possible alternative applications (you don't need to install them if you are happy with the above selection):
- chromium
- opera
- amarok
- gtkpod
- mplayer
- smplayer
- xmms2*
- rhythmbox
- evolution
- soundconverter
- soundkonverter
- kolourpaint4
- qbittorrent
- okular
- clementine
- xine-ui
- sound-juicer
Click on the Apply button afterwards and confirm your selection by clicking on Apply again:
The packages are now being downloaded from the repositories and installed. This can take a few minutes, so please be patient. You might have to accept a few licenses: