HowtoForge provides user-friendly Linux tutorials.
Building packages for ISPConfig 2 (.pkg).
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0Here is a small guide on how to start with package building for ISPConfig 2:
Is there a way to remotely manage your system with ISPConfig 2?
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0This functionality is now available as ISPConfig 2 plugin. You can add / modify / delete users, websites, dns-records, clients and resellers via a SOAP interface from external applications and scripts.
Flash Player 9 on Linux (Ubuntu Dapper Drake)
Author: mariuz • Tags: other, ubuntu • Comments: 14Flash Player 9 on Linux (Ubuntu Dapper Drake) This tutorial shows how to install the Flash player on a Linux system. It was tested on Dapper Drake (on an x86 - 32 bit machine).
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: postfix • Comments: 1Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-TLS-Howto This document describes how to install a mail server based on postfix that is capable of SMTP-AUTH and TLS. It should work (maybe with slight changes concerning paths etc.) on all *nix operating systems. I tested it on Debian Woody and Fedora Core 1 so far.
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: security • Comments: 1Chkrootkit-Portsentry-HowtoThis document describes how to install chkrootkit and portsentry. It should work (maybe with slight changes concerning paths etc.) on all *nix operating systems. Chkrootkit "is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit" (from "The Sentry tools provide host-level security services for the Unix platform. PortSentry, Logcheck/LogSentry, and HostSentry protect against portscans, automate log file auditing, and detect suspicious login activity on a continuous basis".
The Perfect Setup - White Box Linux / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: linux • Comments: 0The Perfect Setup - White Box Linux / Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 This is a detailed description about the steps to be taken to setup a Linux server based on White Box Linux that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters (web server (SSL-capable), mail server (with SMTP-AUTH and TLS!), DNS server, FTP server, MySQL server, POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc.).
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: antivirus • Comments: 3SpamAssassin-ClamAV-Procmail-Howto This document describes how to install SpamAssassin (for filtering SPAM) and ClamAV (for filtering viruses, trojans, worms, etc.) and how to invoke them by using procmail recipes. It is suitable for scenarios where Sendmail or Postfix deliver emails to local users. It should work (maybe with slight changes concerning paths etc.) on all *nix operating systems. I tested it on Debian Woody so far.
Creating Images Of Your Linux System With SystemImager
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: backup • Comments: 1Creating Images Of Your Linux System With SystemImagerHave you ever had the problem that you have set up the "perfect system", and now you want to back up this system before you make changes to it so that you can restore the original state if you changes are not satisfying? Or are you a system administrator in a large company where you have to maintain hundreds of Linux machines that run exactly the same software, but are sick of installing each machine manually? Or did you develop a Linux-based hardware appliance, and now you want to sell it in big numbers on different hardware platforms (i.e., different hard disks, etc., not different processor architectures!) without having to maintain an image for each platform? Or do you want to distribute this solution to
Virtual Hosting with Postfix, part one
Author: joe • Tags: postfix • Comments: 9Version 1.0 Author: Joe Topjian <joe [at] adminspotting [dot] net> Last edited 04/11/2005 The virtual domain support in Postfix is actually quite robust. There are three different ways you host virtual domains with Postfix and they're all described here. We'll be looking at the third one: separate domains and non-unix accounts. Why this one? Because in the end, this options gives us the most flexibility. It's a little more complicated to set up and understand but well worth it when you're hosting several domains.
Author: joshua • Tags: apache • Comments: 2Author: Joshua Levitsky Installation Instructions Installation on a Fedora Core 1 box: Mandrake instructions can be found here; and Red Hat 9 instructions are located at John Spencer's site. (Note that John Spencer's instructions were used to create the Fedora documentation here.)