Setting Up A Highly Available NFS Server - Page 2
4 Install NFS Server
Next we install the NFS server on both server1 and server2:
apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
Then we remove the system bootup links for NFS because NFS will be started and controlled by heartbeat in our setup:
update-rc.d -f nfs-kernel-server remove
update-rc.d -f nfs-common remove
We want to export the directory /data/export (i.e., this will be our NFS share that our web server cluster nodes will use to serve web content), so we edit /etc/exports on server1 and server2. It should contain only the following line:
/data/export/,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,sync) |
This means that /data/export will be accessible by all systems from the 192.168.0.x subnet. You can limit access to a single system by using instead of, for example. See
man 5 exports
to learn more about this.
Later in this tutorial we will create /data/exports on our empty (and still unmounted!) partition /dev/sda8.
5 Install DRBD
Next we install DRBD on both server1 and server2:
apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-386 drbd0.7-module-source drbd0.7-utils
cd /usr/src/
tar xvfz drbd0.7.tar.gz
cd modules/drbd/drbd
make install
Then edit /etc/drbd.conf on server1 and server2. It must be identical on both systems and looks like this:
resource r0 { |
As resource name you can use whatever you like. Here it's r0. Please make sure you put the correct hostnames of server1 and server2 into /etc/drbd.conf. DRBD expects the hostnames as they are shown by the command
uname -n
If you have set server1 and server2 respectively as hostnames during the basic Debian installation, then the output of uname -n should be server1 and server2.
Also make sure you replace the IP addresses and the disks appropriately. If you use /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda, please put /dev/hda8 instead of /dev/sda8 into /etc/drbd.conf (the same goes for the meta-disk where DRBD stores its meta data). /dev/sda8 (or /dev/hda8...) will be used as our NFS share later on.