Extending Perfect Server - Debian Squeeze [ISPConfig 3] - Page 6
On this page
10. Clients' BackUps
The contents of the script changed on 29-03-2011. Please update
This script WILL NOT work correctly for ISPConfig v. 3.0.5 and above. You have to do a lot of changes and is not recommended. Please use the ISPConfig new way of backing up.
The following script, is an easy way to backup your clients data and your clients databases in their website folder. As you may know, in ISPConfig3 each client has a folder in the form /var/www/clients/clientXY, in which there are all his web sites. The script will back up all his websites in each web folder, in companion with his databases and the client will be able to download them. In case, a client has more than one database, then all the databases will be backed up in his first (based on webID) site. The script will also keep the last 3 days of those files and the last 3 Sundays for admin usage in a directory of your choice (the default is /var/backup/sites).
This is a very simple script. For a more advanced solution look at this post.
Create the script, make it executable and edit it:
cd /root/scripts/
touch mybackup.sh
chmod 0700 mybackup.sh
nano mybackup.sh
The contents must be the following:(Change the variables ispUSER, ispPASS, ispHOST, DEST and SITES to fit your needs):
# Shell script to backup MySql database and clients websites
# Last updated: March - 2011
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a free shell script under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# Copyright (C) 2011 iopen.gr
# Feedback/comment/suggestions : http://iopen.gr
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# INTENDED for the ISPConfig 3.0.x and above
# This script will back up every web folder (web, stats, cgi e.t.c
# of every client in companion with all the client's DBs
# The backups will be placed in the website client's folder
# The scipt will keep the current and the 2 previous backup
# It will also keep the last 3 sundays
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Database credentials. Use a DB user with full read access or use the root user
ispUSER="root" # DB user
ispPASS="---yourpass---" # user's password
ispHOST="localhost" # Hostname
# Variables with full path to binaries
MYSQL="$(which mysql)"
MYSQLDUMP="$(which mysqldump)"
CHOWN="$(which chown)"
CHMOD="$(which chmod)"
GZIP="$(which gzip)"
TAR="$(which tar)"
# Your Server's Main Backup Directory
# Sites (ONLY) backup directory in your Main Backup Directory
# Variables for Dates in yymmdd format
TODAY=`date +%Y%0m%0d`
YESTERDAY=`date -d '1 day ago' +%Y%0m%0d`
BACK2=`date -d '2 day ago' +%Y%0m%0d`
BACK3=`date -d '3 day ago' +%Y%0m%0d`
BACK22=`date -d '22 day ago' +%Y%0m%0d`
[ ! -d $SITES ] && mkdir -p $SITES || :
# Give Only root access to backups in this scripts folders
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove previous (current) backups of the client directory
# The backups are in the form :
# *BU*gz
# -------- CAUTION ---------
# Do not store any other file in this form in the clients directory
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
QRY="use dbispconfig; SELECT web_domain.system_user, web_domain.system_group, \
web_domain.document_root, web_domain.domain FROM web_domain WHERE \
web_domain.type!='alias' AND web_domain.system_user IS NOT NULL AND (LENGTH(web_domain.redirect_path)<5 OR web_domain.redirect_path IS NULL) ;"
echo $QRY | mysql -u $ispUSER -h $ispHOST -p$ispPASS | while read -r line
do # ${col[0]}=domain user / folder name / system user, ${col[1]}=clientID / system group ,
while read -a col # ${col[2]}=path to website, ${col[3]}= domain name
echo " CLEANING OLD BACKUPS in ${col[2]} folder "
for delfile in ${col[2]}/*BU*gz ;
do [ -f $delfile ] && rm $delfile;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove anything that is 22 days old and have the form :
# *[date 22 days old]*gz
# from server's $SITES directory
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
for delfile in $SITES/*$BACK22*gz ;
do [ -f $delfile ] && rm $delfile;
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
echo " "
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For each client, backup his database in his website folder
# For client with multiple sites backup all dbs in his first site
# Furthermore copy today's backup in the server's $SITES directory
# Remove the backup that is older than 3 days from server's $SITES directory
# Keep the last 3 Sundays
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
QRY="use dbispconfig; SELECT web_database.database_name , web_database.database_user ,\
min(web_domain.system_user) as muser, web_domain.system_group, min(web_domain.document_root) as mpath, \
web_domain.domain FROM web_database, web_domain WHERE web_database.sys_userid=web_domain.sys_userid \
AND web_database.sys_groupid=web_domain.sys_groupid AND web_domain.type='vhost' \
AND web_domain.system_user IS NOT NULL AND (LENGTH(web_domain.redirect_path)<5 OR web_domain.redirect_path IS NULL) \
GROUP BY web_database.database_name , web_database.database_user, web_domain.system_group;"
echo $QRY | mysql -u $ispUSER -h $ispHOST -p$ispPASS | while read -r line
do # ${col[0]} = dbname, ${col[1]}=dbuser , ${col[2]}=domain user / folder name / system user,
while read -a col #${col[3]}=clientID / system group , ${col[4]}=path to website
echo " DB: "${col[0]}
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Backing Up DB:" ${col[0]} "in :" ${col[4]}/${col[0]}BU.gz
$MYSQLDUMP -u $ispUSER -h $ispHOST -p$ispPASS -c --add-drop-table --add-locks \
--quick --lock-tables ${col[0]} | $GZIP -9 > ${col[4]}/${col[0]}BU.gz
cp ${col[4]}/${col[0]}BU.gz $SITES/${col[0]}.$TODAY.gz
if [ `date -d '3 day ago' +%u` -ne 7 ] # if 3 days ago is not Sunday
then #remove the backup
[ -f $SITES/${col[0]}.$BACK3.gz ] && rm $SITES/${col[0]}.$BACK3.gz
$CHOWN ${col[2]}:${col[3]} ${col[4]}/${col[0]}BU.gz
$CHMOD 0660 ${col[4]}/${col[0]}BU.gz
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For each client, backup his sites in his website folder
# Furthermore copy today's backup in the server's $SITES directory
# Remove the backup that is older than 3 days from server's $SITES diriectory
# Keep the last 3 Sundays
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
QRY="use dbispconfig; SELECT web_domain.system_user, web_domain.system_group,\
web_domain.document_root, web_domain.domain FROM web_domain WHERE \
web_domain.type!='alias' AND web_domain.system_user \
IS NOT NULL AND (LENGTH(web_domain.redirect_path)<5 OR web_domain.redirect_path IS NULL) ;"
echo $QRY | mysql -u $ispUSER -h $ispHOST -p$ispPASS | while read -r line
do # ${col[0]}=domain user / folder name / system user, ${col[1]}=clientID / system group ,
while read -a col # ${col[2]}=path to website, ${col[3]}= domain name
echo " "
echo " Site:" ${col[3]}
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Backing Up site: " ${col[2]}/ "in :" ${col[2]}/${col[3]}BU.tar.gz
cd ${col[2]}
sudo -u ${col[0]} $TAR -czf ${col[2]}/${col[3]}BU.tar.gz .
cp ${col[2]}/${col[3]}BU.tar.gz $SITES/${col[3]}.$TODAY.tar.gz
if [ `date -d '3 day ago' +%u` -ne 7 ] # if 3 days ago is not Sunday
then #remove the backup
[ -f $SITES/${col[3]}.$BACK3.tar.gz ] && rm $SITES/${col[3]}.$BACK3.tar.gz
$CHOWN ${col[0]}:${col[1]} ${col[2]}/${col[3]}BU.tar.gz
$CHMOD 0660 ${col[2]}/${col[3]}BU.tar.gz
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------"
echo " "
You can run the backup script by executing:
or you can add it as a cron job (e.g. every day at 22:30):
crontab -e
and append the following line:
30 22 * * * /root/scripts/mybackup.sh > /dev/null 2>> /var/log/backup.log
Final Notes
Please, feel free to comment anything for this tutorial in an appropriate threat in HowtoForge forums. Useful comments will be included in a future updated version.
This is the first version and as careful as I was, the tutorial may contain errors. Please let me know of them, so as to correct them, as soon as possible.