Articles by 8omas
Extending Perfect Server - Debian Squeeze [ISPConfig 3]
Author: 8omas • Tags: security, other, backup, debian, ispconfig • Comments: 32Extending Perfect Server - Debian Squeeze [ISPConfig 3] The following tutorial will extend the "Perfect Server.... " for ISPConfig 3 with BIND & Courier installed in Debian Squeeze. It explains how to change default ports (ssh, ispconfig, webmin), how to install some useful applications (webmin, roundcube, atop, htop, multitail, tiger etc), how to update awstats periodically (more than once a day) or whenever you want, how to create clients' data backups (periodically) accessible under their folder and finally it explains how to tweak your system for performance (mysqltuner, tuning-primer) or security (custom firewall rules, (D)Dos Deflate, fail2ban modified).
Easy RoundCube (Over SSL) And Webmin With fail2ban For ISPConfig 3 On Debian Squeeze
Author: 8omas • Tags: debian, ispconfig, monitoring • Comments: 3Easy RoundCube (Over SSL) And Webmin With fail2ban For ISPConfig 3 On Debian Squeeze I prefer the RoundCube solution over the default in ISPConfig 3. I also find it useful to have the webmin installed in all my systems. In this post you can see a very fast way to have both of them installed, in companion with the great support of fail2ban. Finally I want to access all of them over SSL (even phpmyadmin -- see the tip in the end).