Creating Advanced MySQL-Based Virtual Hosts On Lighttpd (Debian Etch) - Page 2
5 Configuring Virtual Hosts
I will now configure two virtual hosts, one for (with the document root /var/www/ and one for (with the document root /var/www/
I will add custom directives to both vhosts. For the vhost I will enable directory listings and create an alias test which points back to the document root /var/www/, and for the vhost I will disable directory listings.
First, we create the document roots of both web sites (if they don't already exist):
mkdir -p /var/www/
mkdir -p /var/www/
Then we log in to MySQL...
mysql -u root -p
USE lighttpd;
... and create the vhosts as follows:
INSERT INTO domains VALUES ('','/var/www/','dir-listing.activate = "enable"\nalias.url = ( "/test" => "/var/www/" )');
INSERT INTO domains VALUES ('','/var/www/','dir-listing.activate = "disable"');
As you can see in the first INSERT statement, if you want to use more than one custom directive, put a linebreak (\n) between the directives.
We can now leave the MySQL shell:
That's it, the vhosts are now configured. To check if our /usr/share/lighttpd/ script is working as expected, we can call it on the command line...
/usr/share/lighttpd/ lighttpd lighttpd secret
... and it should display the correct vhost configurations:
server1:~# /usr/share/lighttpd/ lighttpd lighttpd secret
$HTTP["host"] == "" {
server.document-root = "/var/www/"
dir-listing.activate = "enable"
alias.url = ( "/test" => "/var/www/" )
$HTTP["host"] == "" {
server.document-root = "/var/www/"
dir-listing.activate = "disable"
Unlike the mod_mysql_vhost way, this method needs a lighttpd restart whenever the vhost configuration is changed, so let's restart lighttpd:
/etc/init.d/lighttpd restart
6 Testing
Now let's test if our MySQL-based vhosts and are working as expected. I'm assuming that you have no index files in each document root.
Let's call (for which we have enabled directory listings) in a browser, and you should see a directory listing:
Now let's go to (there's no directory test in that vhost), and it should go back to the document root because we have configured that alias for the vhost:
Now go to, and you should get a 404 - Not Found error (unless there's an index file in the document root) because we've disabled directory listings for that vhost:
Now let's try - as this directory does not exist and we haven't defined such an alias in the vhost, we get a 404 - Not Found again:
So everything's working as expected.
7 Links
- mod_mysql_vhost:
- Lighttpd:
- Debian: