Comments on Virtual Machine Replication & Failover with VMWare Server & Debian Etch (4.0)

Virtual Machine Replication & Failover with VMWare Server & Debian Etch (4.0) This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions about how to create a highly available VMware Server environment on a Debian Etch system. With this tutorial, you will be able to create Virtual Machines that will be available on multiple systems with failover/failback capabilities.

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Thank you for this great howto! I've only one thing which is a bit unclear, how needs /dev/sda7 to be created? Should it only be created or formatted too, with ext3? Because you say "No mount point is assigned for the ext3 file system in partition #7 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sda)." but here "/dev/sda7 -- 60 GB unmounted (logical, ext3) (will contain the /var/vm directory)". Thanks again for this great howto!

By: Chris Trainor

In this example /dev/sda7 is just a local partition that was created to eventually be the local storage for the drbd mirrored partition.    Just use whatever your normal partition tools to create it on the local drives (of each machine in your mirrored pair).  fdisk, parted, etc.   No need to format it.  You format the mirrored virtual partition after you're all done creating them.



By: sjouken

When I read this tutoral, my question rased if your manual could be used between 2 "regular" debian servers.

Kind regards, John Sjouken

By: charterware

dear Ryan,

that is what I would like to do. Can you give details ? How does the failover work without stonith capabilities ? Eventually, I just want drbd sync and an e-mail at lost heart beat to care manually for failover ?  Best regards Otmar Ripp