Comments on How To Set Up A Ubuntu/Debian LAMP Server
How To Set Up A Ubuntu/Debian LAMP ServerThis tutorial shows a quick way to set up your own LAMP server (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP/Perl) on a Ubuntu or Debian system.
43 Comment(s)
I'd just use:
$sudo -s
telnet localhost 80 <enter>
GET /test.php HTTP/1.0 <enter>
Your article was very clear and straight to the point.
Thank you very much, my LAMP is running now.
Have a great day.
Awesome post. thank you for this.
I to use webmin too. I used this guide at
Thanks, tell me please what is better pureftpd or proftpd for fpt?
I agree
If you're logged into the server you're configuring via PuTTY and don't (yet) have a way to access the apache server, you can use the following to obtain a text-only browser:
# apt-get install lynx
Then you can see the results of step 1 thus:
# lynx http://localhost/test.php
Instead of Lynx, you can also use:
wget localhost
This wil just download the html with http. If you just use vi to edit the source you can see if it worked correctly or not.
Ubuntu does not allow root login by default so all commands requiring root access (that's most in this article) should be prefixed with "sudo".
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5
$ sudo nano /var/www/test.php
Can't get to root in linux? Noob! (;
$ sudo su -
Add the desktop user interface afterwards by following this guide..
and configure apache and mySQL via this guide.
You'll get problems with reliable login performance to PhpMyAdmin, UNLESS YOU DO THE FOLLOWING:
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt
The install line for phpmyadmin should be modified to reflect this fact.
Hello all, Tiny comment for newbies (such as myself) where your browser tries to open the test.php file rather than simply running the script.... You have to logout of your system and log back in for it to work. Am running Debian Lenny and KDE D
Actually all you need to do is to restart apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
a reboot or logout is overkill! Apache has to restart to know it must work with php, which has been installed after it.
Shouldn't the first command be apt-get update and not apt-get install update?
Hm. After i had installed mysql packages by this howto, the LoadModule directive was in
and was successfully included to /etc/apache2/apache.conf in line looked like
Include /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/*.load
Did not php work under apache after you had installed mysql on your system, that you had to edit apache2.conf?
after instalation of the php5 (or 4):
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client php5-mysql
add this line in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
and restart the apache:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart.
After i tried this Apache said that the module already was loaded.
Therefore I only restarted Apache and it worked.
I followed this tutorial pretty accuratly on Debian Lenny, and it worked like a charm!
I agree!!!
i wrote a small simple web panel for my LAMP server
Take a look: SimpleHostingPanel
thank you mate, I have attempted other tutorials on the net that are supposedly made by professionals linked to certain webhost companies and they always FAIL, were as your tutorial works perfectly first time round...
I have a few servers which are local but I use putty to connect to them as they dnt have monitors, and I follow you tutorial word for word command for command and it works like a charm :D
Ive also followed other tutorials you have made on the site with success..
great job!!!!!
Keep up the good work!!!!!!
This tutorial was brilliant !
thanks a lot for writing it. It helps me perfectly !
Just to say thank you buddy. and you are a member in my geek list.
This article saved my life!
Everything works well!!!
Thank you very very much!
Hello olddocks,
Thanks for the article. It helped me set up a development environment on my laptop.
Best regards,
really helped.
i just install the AMP on my Debian and it works.
Thanks for this great help by registrating a lampp server.
Helped me a verry lot!
After much fighting and fussing, I have finally accomplished what I came here for. A working LAMP server...
This article was all I needed! Very helpful!
It is apt-get update -- not "apt-get install update"
Before proceeding to install, update the necessary packages with debian with this command.
apt-get install update
Before I can test the point 1 (test if php was running) I must restart the apache2 server with followed command:
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
After than will the php-file was executed.
I was trying to install phpmyadmin on my debian server with no luck but thanks to this article I found out what i was missing - to edit - /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:
So it helped my alot, thanks guys!
It was simply perfect and absolutely correct all the guidelines, I am deeply grateful, because I had much trouble before, even having to reinstall ubuntu because of inadequate procedures. Brazilian greetings. I am deeply grateful.
Another solution for LAMP is using EHCP (easy hosting control panel).
Just need one line install syntax: ./ and LAMP will be installed flawlessly.
Check this article on EHCP Setup.
This got me going! Two thumbs up!!!
The first command in the tutorial is wrong not
apt-get install update
it should beapt-get update
After using apt-get to install php5 and apache you need a
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
else it wont work with php and going to the php file would cause it to be downloaded
Overall they were just really detailed, even though I don't think you need that many details for something like this.
When I install this, I get a prompt to set the root password.
The command mysql_secure_installation also adds some security.
I always look for this article when it comes to installing a new Debian web server. By far the most straight-forward and easy to understand tutorial. Thank you!
Yes, it's too easy, I have configured many system with Guide "Install LAMP with phpmyadmin"
wrong path in debian. It's /var/www/html/test.php
Yes, for me in debian 8 Jessie it was also /var/www/html/test.php Now it works :)
no thanks