Comments on The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 17

This tutorial shows how you can set up a Fedora 17 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

6 Comment(s)

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By: Klemen

GNOME 3 just like Unity in Ubuntu is a total disaster. The only way Fedora 17 could be perfect or come close o it is with the awesome KDE desktop.


This article is useful but appears not to have been as carefully tested as its predecessors.

A number of the applications have dependency problems, many revolving around the installed version of perl.

If you select a number of packages with the Add/Remove Software application then attempting to apply them will fail, without adequate warning, if one or more of the packages has a dependency problem.

Using "yum install ....." will give you more information but problems remain.


By: Anonymous

there are a lots of desktops of this version we can easily use one of them for a perfact mate desktop

By: Santiagobear

This is a great site, and I've used it to configure all of my Fedora installations, since Fedora 11.  But it has never adequately addressed installing Flash Player.  The YUM command doesn't do it alone.  You have to USE 'yum install flash-player', but then you have to copy the plugin. The following will help:

# For 32-bit users:
su -c 'rpm -ivh adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm'

# For 64-bit users:
su -c 'rpm -ivh adobe-release-x86_64-1.0-1.noarch.rpm'

su -c 'rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux'

su -c 'yum install nspluginwrapper alsa-plugins-pulseaudio flash-plugin'


By: Anonymous

When creating user in the postinstall one may click on

the button Advanced... and when regretting this click

by choosing File->Quit on the menu then it quits and ...

one has to do the total installation from beginning again.

Loosing one hour of precious time!

Not so good.


By: Anonymous

I have installed fedora 17 a couple of months ago. Later on i kept on updating it, and now it has changed the desktop display to the other one i do not like(do not know what that display is called), so can you please help me get back to the default gnome desktop display.