Comments on SquirrelMail Configuration Easy Steps (SquirrelMail + Sendmail + Apache On RedHat/CentOS/Fedora)
SquirrelMail Configuration Easy Steps (SquirrelMail + Sendmail + Apache On RedHat/CentOS/Fedora) This tutorial explains how you can install and configure SquirrelMail on a RedHat/CentOS/Fedora based mail server which uses Sendmail and Apache.
5 Comment(s)
sendmail nowadays? ridiculous.
sendmail is very cumbersome to play with.
@irado :- i agree with u, i switch to postfix now
i have configured mail server on two machine , machine-1 installed squirrelmail GUI and machine-2 is my server( postfix ,dovecot..etc) ,machine-1 is on public ip but machine-2 is on private ip because machine-2 have all user and mailbox to recive mail for security purpose, i am able to send mail but not receive mail, but if i am using only one machine then I'm successfully send and Receive mail , but my task is to setup mail server on 2 machine, so where is problem please reply me soon?
hi when i try to access
It always redirect to
How can i disable https and use http connection?
if I have a a second fedora computer can I still use http://YOUR_SITE_ADDRESS/webmail