Comments on Qmail OpenLdap On Ubuntu

Qmail OpenLdap On Ubuntu This guide will help you easily set up a email server On Ubuntu using Qmail as MTA, OpenLDAP as a back-end for users, and Courier IMAP for IMAP server.

8 Comment(s)

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By: Yurtd??? E?itim

It seems like a very good web site but my English is not good. It would be great if it might be availible in other languages too. But, I like this web site very much, thank you very much share for this information.

By: yatin

Thanks for this configuration it works.

By: systemali

This is a very good article, I need to accomplish similar task but on CentOs 5, Can i follow these steps to get it installed on the required Os ?

 Also i see that this documentation does not mention any thing about Spamd & Clamav, if i follow the above steps which link or url can i follow to get these softwares integrated to Qmail ?

 Thank you


Surely it will work on CentOS 5+

And i will upload a doc to setup qmail scanner with SA and clamav very soon..


As I promise I have submitted a doc to setup Qmail-scanner with Spamassassin and clamav on ubuntu ..



Nitin Bhadauria

By: Anonymous

Got everything to install without trouble and everything appears to be working.  Good tutorial.  Just also wondering if anyone knew of another tutorial that shows how to integrate this with a web management and or webmail tool.  Thanks again for the good tutorial!

By: sandy

Simply awesome... mailing rocks (Qmail+sendmail+Postfix+Exim+@mail+Zimbra.....)... ... Excellent notes. Thanks for the post


By: lloowen

The download urls are now restricted. It's no longer possible to obtain those packages from those URL's