Comments on Back Up Linux And Windows Systems With BackupPC

Back Up Linux And Windows Systems With BackupPC This tutorial shows how you can back up Linux and Windows systems with BackupPC. BackupPC acts as a server and is installed on a Linux system, and from there it can connect to all Linux and Windows systems in your local network to back them up and restore them without interfering with the user's work on that system. On the clients minimal to no configuration is needed. BackupPC supports full and incremental backups, and it comes with a neat web frontend for the administrator and normal user so that backups and recoveries can be managed through a web browser. It should be noted, however, that BackupPC does file-based backups, not bit-wise backups like Ghost4Linux, for example, so it is not made for disk/partition imaging.

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Backup aborted (Unable to read 4 bytes)

This probably means that you have not authenticated to the host with the proper name/IP before.

On the backuppc do these commands...
(Remember to say YES to Continue connecting)

ssh -l root whoami

and with hostname only

ssh -l root server1 whoami

and also with the IP

ssh -l root whoami

By: jennifer

If i am able to ssh but however i am still getting the error 4 byte.


what does that means?

By: LB

How can I do this to sync computers on my network to an external VPS on the internet? I can't get it to work.

I think it is the way to specify the hosts that is the problem...

By: Anonymous

During installation, when the character-based GUI comes up and and asks you to choose apache (probably the only choice), you have to hit the spacebar to select it.  This isn't obvious and if you just hit return to go on, it'll finish installing as if everything's OK, but the web interface won't work.

By: Cristobal Ramos

Hi Man,


Thank you for the information, I have configured a BackupPC server and the backups working well, the problem is with the notifications by mail, because when an backup finished nothing happens with notifications, I did test sending mail from the console by backuppc and it works fine. I don't know why the notifications does not work.


if you have any advice for me, I would appreciate you muc

By: eugen


when I run command: "apt-get install backuppc rsync libfile-rsyncp-perl par2 smbfs"

it return:"bash: apt-get: command not found..." on centos 7 system

What to do?


By: till

The above tutorial is for Debian and Ubuntu. For CentOS, the commands will differ as centos uses the yum command instead of apt-get to install software packages.

By: MN

After much struggle, I have started my first backup of my first system.  The problem that I had was getting sshd configured properly.  My backup server is on (Debian 8.6) and my (first of several) client PCs is on (OpenSUSE 13.2).  On the client (file is /etc/ssh/sshd_conf , I commented out:

"PermitRootLogin yes""PermitRootLogin without-password"

and added

"StrictModes yes""AllowUsers [email protected]"

On the server I did:

Uncomment:PermitRootLogin yes

I added the line:AlllowUsers [email protected]

These few changed allowed me to complete the configuration and start the first backup.  Perhaps include some generic instructions for configuring ssh to the tutorial?

Many thanks for a great job!!!

By: Jon Frend

If you have added from="" into your authorized_keys2 file, you may find this dosen't work regardless of your correctly set up DNS Server or /etc/hosts file. Adding from="nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" however does work. To use the domain name a setting may need to be changed in sshd_conf.

By: MIke

Backuppc installed on opensuse leap 15.2 biggest issue is Rsync problem( it cannot find google gets me nothing that I can work with to solve it. I did manage to get not in @inc. I have 0 perl experience and have no idea how to solve this. Tar backup works as I am currently using that to backup a linux box running owncloud. The file does exist and I even tried the noob trick of peppering this file within the path....but backuppc still does not see it. My backup user has full root priveledges so that should not be an issue. I have seen where this has been a problem but I am not seeing any solution. Can ANYONE help?? I would really prefer to use Rsync. and Thankyou