Comments on Linux mkfifo Command Tutorial for Beginners (with Examples)

If you're even a moderate Linux command line user, you must be aware of pipes, a fundamental command line feature that allows processes to communicate. Then there's a concept of named pipes (yeah, pipes with names, so that you can do more with pipes). The mkfifo command lets you create such named pipes.

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By: Bilal

thank you!

By: happy harry

Great Article !! it's informative, easy to understand and not too long, thank you.

By: c bitchute

hi Himanshu /anbody have an idear what this might be and what it does its a myfifo turned up around july in home folder it permissions are r------------------

anything that turns up on my system is a worry because i have some crazy crazy permisions

for directory folders  there is something seriously amiss with my system

anybody ?

regards col  HhimanshurHimanshuimanshuHimanshu

By: nepumuk pumuckle

thx qsl tracebacks stdin ?tderr results {} | tee ?

variable |  @@ $ ?@ QA