Comments on Installing Adobe AIR 1.5.1 For Linux On Ubuntu 9.04 (x86_64)

Installing Adobe AIR 1.5.1 For Linux On Ubuntu 9.04 (x86_64) Adobe AIR is a technology that lets you run Internet applications on the desktop. With AIR you do not need a browser to run such desktop applications. This tutorial explains how you can install Adobe AIR 1.5.1 for Linux on an Ubuntu 9.04 desktop (x86_64) and how you can install AIR applications.

2 Comment(s)

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By: jojomonkey

nice - works - needed this.

but, is it just me or do you see extra black borders on the x86_64 Air Applications?

I think it's an artifact of the Air platform on Linux.



By: Seb

Yeah, seems to work nicely :) on a few apps though (like the dude above says) I get black borders around stuff (like on tweetdeck, and twhirl) - nothing major just wondering if anyone else gets the same thing?!
