Comments on Installation Of OpenERP Server 5.0, OpenERP GTK Client 5.0 And OpenERP Web Client 5.0.1 On Ubuntu Server 9.0.4 & Desktop 9.04

Installation Of OpenERP Server 5.0, OpenERP GTK Client 5.0 And OpenERP Web Client 5.0.1 On Ubuntu Server 9.04 This article will show you how to set up openerp-server 5.0.0-3-1 + openerp-client 5.0.0-3-1 + openerp-web 5.0.1 on Ubuntu Server 9.04. Open ERP (formerly named Tiny ERP) is the leader open-source ERP/CRM system written mostly in Python and initiated in Belgium. It offers a three-tier web architecture, ease of use and flexibility.

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By: Anonymous

How come I cannot log in with the username openerp and password openerp?? 



By: rjordan

I was unable to edit in a terminal the line were "ident sameuser" should be replaced by md5... any sugestion?? Thanx