Comments on How to install Roundcube on your ISPConfig3 server on CentOS 6

How to install Roundcube on your ISPConfig3 server on CentOS 6 This tutorial has been created for those who have installed The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.4 x86_64 [ISPConfig 3] and wish to have alternative webmail application - Roundcube. You may still able access to Squiremail as this Roundcube installation will not overwrite the Squirremail.

6 Comment(s)

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By: Anonymous

Hi, i try to integrate roundcube web interface with your manual, but after all i mentioned, that Email tab in ISPConfig doesn't work anymore. Don't you know, why?


By: admin

Most likely you used a wrong Name for the alias. You may Name the alias /roundcube like in the tutorial or e.g. /webmail but you may not Name it /mail. If you use /mail as alias, then you Redirect all requests for the ispconfig mail module to roundcube instead of ispconfig.

By: Lefteros

there are wrong paths on the wget and untarring section

By: lee forbes

thank you for the quick tutorial. Just what I needed after an update was issued

By: Mani

Hi,I have configured ISP Config 3 on centos. Both Incoming and outgoing mails are working fine throught the webmail(https://mydomain/roundcubemail/) I.e on the Browser. I would like to configure my mail on gmail app on my mobile. But i am getting the error could't open connection to server. Please suggest what should be entered in smtp server,port number to be user and security type. Thanks in advance

By: roger

Good tutorial.

I get an error .........



LOGIN: Login only available under a layer in /var/www/html/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_imap.php



/var/www/html/roundcube/logs/errors Any ideas ....Thx in advance