Comments on How to Install MongoDB Compass GUI in Ubuntu 20.04

MongoDB Compass is a graphical tool for MongoDB that helps you to create, delete, read and update the database graphically. It is very similar to phpMyAdmin which allows you to explore your data, run the queries, and interact with the database.

3 Comment(s)

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By: Narendra Chouhan

very nicely done

By: cmiller

I got an error 

help please

mongodb-compass : Dépend: libgconf-2-4 mais il n'est pas installable ou

                            libgconf2-4 mais il n'est pas installable

                   Dépend: libgconf-2-4 mais il n'est pas installable

E: Impossible de corriger les problèmes, des paquets défectueux sont en mode « garder en l'état ».

By: jimmie

The best tutorial with instructions that /I have found on the net. As pointed out by Narendra, "very nicely done".

Thank you