Comments on How To Install Intel Pro Wireless 3945 On CentOS Linux
How To Install Intel Pro Wireless 3945 On CentOS Linux In this tutorial, I will guide you through the necessary steps to install ipw3945 wireless adapter on a CentOS / RHEL based distribution.It is written for CentOS 5.2. However, it might work on other CentOS 5.x based distributions as well.
3 Comment(s)
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By: LeQuickBrownFox
Use the RedHat 5.x versions, they work with CentOS.
By: Sergio
You said there is one, it is not found in the link you provided to download it.
Also, is this howto for X64 AMD CentOS or the 32-bit version of CentOS ?
By: Anonymous
There is no package wpa_gui anymore it is now called wpa_supplicant-gui
yum install wpa_gui
yum install wpa_supplicant-gui