Comments on How To Install Hamachi On Fedora 9

How To Install Hamachi On Fedora 9 This tutorial explains how to install Hamachi on a Fedora 9 server. Hamachi is a VPN service that easily sets up in 10 minutes, and enables secure remote access to your business network, anywhere there's an Internet connection. It works with your existing firewall, and requires no additional configuration. Hamachi is the first networking application to deliver an unprecedented level of direct peer-to-peer connectivity. It is simple, secure, and cost-effective.

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By: raz

I think that in step 2:

make install

Should probably be:

make install

You then get output:

install -s -m 700 tuncfg /sbin

Then go back up a dir:

cd ..

Then continue setting up as a non root user i.e.

sudo make install

That's how it happened when I did it.

By: Anonymous

You could skip the tuncfg recompile by adding /sbin to your root path or creating a symlink to /sbin/tuncfg somewhere in your existing path.

By: Anonymous

I also use this hamachi keep-alive script and ever since I started using it I had no lost connection problems.


By: Night

I know it pretty old site and the download is no longer working but i wonder- are there new download site for tar.gz? I was been looking around and coudnt find- or are there other way?