Comments on How to Install Ghost Blog Software with Apache and SSL on Ubuntu 15.10
Ghost is a powerful Open Source publishing and blog platform that is beautifully designed and easy to use. Ghost is written in javascript and uses node.js as runtime environment. This tutorial shows the installation of the Ghost Blog software with Apache and SSL on Ubuntu 15.10.
5 Comment(s)
The node.js install script reports that 'wily' (15.10) is not currently supported.
Redirect the curl output to a file, hard-code DISTRO="trusty", and then run it.
Excellent tutorial! Everything worked fine! Thank you very much!
Many thanks! This really helped me out.
Wow... easy to follow and it works great. Awesome tutorial!
systemctl command does not work.I have used systemd also but that does not solve problem.My ubuntu version is 14.04. Any help ?
command is - sudo systemctl daemon-reload