Comments on Burning An Audio CD On Linux Mint

Burning An Audio CD On Linux Mint This article is about how you can convert your mp3 audio files to a format accepted for burning audio CDs and burning them on a blank CD afterwards on Linux Mint 11. There are multiple ways and applications to convert and burn your audio files, however the ones I use happened to produce no problems that others did, e.g. inflating the size of the produced .wav file so greatly that a 13-track album would not fit on an ordinary blank CD. If other applications cause you no problems, you can also use those instead.

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By: Christian

It is unnecessary to convert the audiofiles to WAV as k3b will do this for you for the most common formats (mp3, ogg, flac, ...).

By: Juan Pablo

Lamentablemente no me toma las conversiones de MP3 a WAV hechas por WinFF