Articles by CSch

  • Creating A Bootable USB Device On Linux Mint 11

    linux_mint Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 4

    Creating A Bootable USB Device On Linux Mint 11 This tutorial will show you how to make your USB hard disk device a bootable Linux system. Linux Mint 11 needs about 4.7 gigabyte of free space on your hard drive, so make sure your device has at least that much space available. I am using an 8 gigabyte stick which is enough to install Mint on it and additionally have some space left to save data. In my case, I will install Linux Mint 11 on my USB device, but it should work similarly with other systems. To create a bootable disk, you need either an iso-image of the desired Linux system or a real Linux DVD.

  • The Perfect Desktop - Mepis 11

    debian Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 6

    The Perfect Desktop - Mepis 11 This tutorial shows how you can set up a Mepis 11 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. Mepis is a Linux distribution based on Debian Stable.

  • The Perfect Desktop - Pinguy OS 11.04

    ubuntu Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 5

    The Perfect Desktop - Pinguy OS 11.04 This tutorial shows how you can set up a Pinguy OS desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. Pinguy OS 11.04 is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 11.04.

  • Converting Audio Files On Linux Mint

    linux_mint Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 5

    Converting Audio Files On Linux Mint This article covers the issue of converting audio files on Linux Mint. Converting audio files can be a hard thing to accomplish if one does not have the proper tools to do so, that is why I will also cover a few different applications capable of converting.

  • Using An Android Smartphone As A WLAN Hotspot

    android Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 2

    Using An Android Smartphone As A WLAN Hotspot To access Wireless LAN you usually need to find a so-called hotspot where you can use the local Wireless LAN to access the Internet. Android smartphones however have a feature which enables them to become a wireless hotspot themselves - they use UMTS to connect to the Internet and make the Internet connection available to other computers/devices via WLAN. This article describes how you can configure this feature.

  • Burning An Audio CD On Linux Mint

    linux_mint Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 2

    Burning An Audio CD On Linux Mint This article is about how you can convert your mp3 audio files to a format accepted for burning audio CDs and burning them on a blank CD afterwards on Linux Mint 11. There are multiple ways and applications to convert and burn your audio files, however the ones I use happened to produce no problems that others did, e.g. inflating the size of the produced .wav file so greatly that a 13-track album would not fit on an ordinary blank CD. If other applications cause you no problems, you can also use those instead.

  • Changing Desktop Appearance On Linux Mint 11

    linux_mint Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 2

    Changing Desktop Appearance On Linux Mint 11 This tutorial is supposed to show how to change the desktop's appearance to people who are new to Linux. For this tutorial I am using Linux Mint 11 with the Gnome desktop. This is the default desktop you have installed on your system. If you have not configured it otherwise already, everything should work for you.

  • Useful Basic Terminal Commands On Linux Mint 11

    linux_mint Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 6

    Useful Basic Terminal Commands On Linux Mint 11 This tutorial is supposed to show useful terminal commands to people who are new to Linux. Terminal commands are powerful tools if they are used correctly, but can cause great damage if you are not completely aware of what you are doing. Before using commands that are new to you, look up the manual page and make sure you have your files saved and backed up.

  • Introduction To The Ubuntu Unity Desktop

    ubuntu Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 20

    Introduction To The Ubuntu Unity Desktop This tutorial is supposed to guide the reader through some new features of the Unity desktop, Ubuntu's new desktop environment used since Ubuntu 11.04. The prime subject will be the launcher, which is something like a side-dock, and how to configure it the way it fits your likings most.

  • Changing From Microsoft Windows To Linux Mint 11

    linux_mint Author: CSchTags: , Comments: 9

    Changing From Microsoft Windows To Linux Mint 11 This is a tutorial for people originally using the Windows Operating System who want to try out Linux Mint 11. It is supposed to show the differences and similarities between the two systems and depict Linux' functions with examples.