4 Installation Of Split DNS
This part of installation is working off of the assumption that you are behind a firewall. If you are not behind a firewall (not recommended) you can skip this part of the installation.
I need to give credit where it is due. The chroot portion of this tutorial is adapted from Sebastien Wains. His CentOS Bind Chroot tutorial can be found at http://www.wains.be/index.php/2007/12/13/centos-5-chroot-dns-with-bind/. The Split DNS tutorial is adapted from the Zimbra Wiki and can be found at http://wiki.zimbra.com/index.php?title=Split_dns.
yum install bind bind-chroot bind-libs bind-utils
REMINDER: Be sure to use the ip address and hostname/FQDN that is appropriate for your installation.
Create the /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf file:
vim /var/named/chroot/etc/named.conf
options { directory "/var/named"; dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db"; statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt"; forwarders { ; }; }; include "/etc/rndc.key"; // We are the master server for mail.geekdept.com zone "mail.geekdept.com" { type master; file "db.mail.geekdept.com"; };
The ip address for forwarders should be the ip address of your dns server.
Now you need to create your /var/named/chroot/var/named/db.mail.geekdept.com file
vim /var/named/chroot/var/named/db.mail.geekdept.com
; ; Addresses and other host information. ; @ IN SOA mail.geekdept.com. hostmaster.mail.geekdept.com. ( 10118 ; Serial 43200 ; Refresh 3600 ; Retry 3600000 ; Expire 2592000 ) ; Minimum ; Define the nameservers and the mail servers IN NS IN A IN MX 10 mail.geekdept.com.
Change your resolv.conf to use your mail server's IP address as it's primary DNS.
vim /etc/resolv.conf
search geekdept.com nameserver
Start named on your server
/etc/init.d/named start
Enable autostart for named.
chkconfig named on
To verify that it is working do the following:
nslookup mail.geekdept.com
It should return something similar to this:
Server: Address: Name: mail.geekdept.com Address:
Notice that the ip address returned is the same as the local machine. That means success.
Now we can move on to installing ZCS.