Using Pydio In An ISPConfig 3 Multiserver Installation - Page 3
Now (re-)open the server ssh console and navigate to the webftp folder you created during pydio installation.
Edit the conf/bootstrap_repositories.php
/* * Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at)> * This file is part of Pydio. * * Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Pydio. If not, see <>. * * The latest code can be found at <>. * * Description : configuration file * BASIC REPOSITORY CONFIGURATION. * The standard repository will point to the data path (ajaxplorer/data by default), folder "files" * Use the GUI to add new repositories. * + Log in as "admin" and open the "Settings" Repository */ defined('AJXP_EXEC') or die( 'Access not allowed'); // ADMIN REPOSITORY $REPOSITORIES["ajxp_conf"] = array( "DISPLAY" => "Settings", "DISPLAY_ID" => "165", "DESCRIPTION_ID" => "506", "DRIVER" => "ajxp_conf", "DRIVER_OPTIONS"=> array() );
Open the file plugins/auth.ftp/class.ftpAuthDriver.php and search for this (around line 110):
function setFtpDataCallback($actionName, $httpVars, $fileVars){
Add this function to the class right below the "logoutCallback" function. Replace the values with yours:
function get_ispc_host($username) { // connect to ispc via remoting and read ftp user $server = ''; $login = '<your remote user>'; $pass = '<your remote user password>'; $soap_location = 'https://pathtoispconfig:8080/remote/index.php'; $soap_uri = 'https://pathtoispconfig:8080/remote/'; $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => $soap_location, 'uri' => $soap_uri)); try { //* Login to the remote server if($session_id = $client->login($login,$pass)) { $check = $client->sites_ftp_user_server_get($session_id, $username); if($check) { $server = isset($check['ip_address']) ? $check['ip_address'] : $check['hostname']; } if($client->logout($session_id)) { } } } catch (SoapFault $e) { } return ($server != '' ? $server : 'localhost'); }
In the same file search for the function "setFTPDataCallback" that should be right below. Add the following code to the beginning of the functions so it looks like this:
public function setFtpDataCallback($actionName, $httpVars, $fileVars) { if(isset($httpVars['userid'])) { // get host from ispconfig $httpVars['FTP_HOST'] = $this->get_ispc_host($httpVars['userid']); } $options = array("CHARSET", "FTP_DIRECT", "FTP_HOST", "FTP_PORT", "FTP_SECURE", "PATH"); $ftpOptions = array(); [...] }
Open the file plugins/access.ftp/class.ftpAccessDriver.php and add "return true;" to the beginning of the function "isWriteable":
public function isWriteable($path, $type="dir"){ return true; $parts = parse_url($path); [...] }
Open data/plugins/boot.conf/bootstrap.json and make it look like
{ "core.conf":{ "USER_CREATE_REPOSITORY":false, "SAVE_GUEST_PREFERENCES":false, "SKIP_USER_HISTORY":false, "USERS_LIST_COMPLETE_LIMIT":"20", "USERS_LIST_COMPLETE_MIN_CHARS":"3", "USERS_LIST_HIDE_LOGIN":false, "ALLOW_CROSSUSERS_SHARING":false, "UNIQUE_INSTANCE_CONFIG":{ "instance_name":"conf.serial", "group_switch_value":"conf.serial" } }, "core.auth":{ "ENABLE_USERS":true, "CASE_SENSITIVE":true, "ALLOW_GUEST_BROWSING":false, "PASSWORD_MINLENGTH":"6", "SESSION_SET_CREDENTIALS":true, "SECURE_LOGIN_FORM":false, "MASTER_INSTANCE_CONFIG":{ "instance_name":"auth.ftp", "TRANSMIT_CLEAR_PASS":true, "REPOSITORY_ID":"<YOUR_VALUE>", "LOGIN_REDIRECT":"", "FTP_LOGIN_SCREEN":true, "AUTOCREATE_AJXPUSER":false, "AJXP_ADMIN_LOGIN":"", "group_switch_value":"auth.ftp" }, "MULTI_MODE":{ "instance_name":"MASTER_SLAVE", "group_switch_value":"MASTER_SLAVE" }, "MULTI_USER_BASE_DRIVER":"", "SLAVE_INSTANCE_CONFIG":[ ], "SLAVE_INSTANCE_CONFIG_group_switch":"" } }
Replace <YOUR_VALUE> by the md5 hash that you find in the file data/plugins/conf.serial/aliases.ser.
Open file plugins/auth.ftp/manifest.xml. You have to change some lines in there.
Around line 53:
if( != "userid" &&!="password" && != "get_action" &&!="login_seed"){
remove the != "userid" && part so it looks like this:
if(!="password" && != "get_action" &&!="login_seed"){
Around line 79:
<div class="dialogLegend" ajxp_message_id="ftp_auth.1">AJXP_MESSAGE[ftp_auth.1]</div>
add this directly behind:
<input type="hidden" name="FTP_HOST" value=""><input type="hidden" name="FTP_SECURE" value="FALSE"><input type="hidden" name="FTP_DIRECT" value="FALSE"><input type="hidden" name="FTP_PORT" value="21"><input type="hidden" name="CHARSET" value=""><input type="hidden" name="PATH" value="/web">
so it looks like this:
<div class="dialogLegend" ajxp_message_id="ftp_auth.1">AJXP_MESSAGE[ftp_auth.1]</div><input type="hidden" name="FTP_HOST" value=""><input type="hidden" name="FTP_SECURE" value="FALSE"><input type="hidden" name="FTP_DIRECT" value="FALSE"><input type="hidden" name="FTP_PORT" value="21"><input type="hidden" name="CHARSET" value=""><input type="hidden" name="PATH" value="/web">
(If you want to grant access to the base dir instead of the web dir, e. g. if you want to access the "private" folder, too, just change the "/web" to "/" in the last hidden input field.)
Around line 82:
Remove these three lines from the file:
<td align="right"><ajxp:message ajxp_message_id="ftp_auth.2">AJXP_MESSAGE[ftp_auth.2]</ajxp:message> </td><td colspan="3"><input type="text" name="FTP_HOST" style="width: 190px; padding:0px; margin-right: 10px;" class="dialogFocus"><ajxp:message ajxp_message_id="ftp_auth.8">AJXP_MESSAGE[ftp_auth.8]</ajxp:message> <input type="text" name="FTP_PORT" style="width: 25px; padding:0px;" value="21"></td>
Around line 86 (after deleting the previous lines):
Remove all 13 lines from the file. This section starts with:
<td colspan="4">
<div class="dialogLegend" style="margin-top: 12px;" ajxp_message_id="ftp_auth.3">AJXP_MESSAGE[ftp_auth.3]</div>
and ends with
<td align="right"><ajxp:message ajxp_message_id="ftp_auth.7">AJXP_MESSAGE[ftp_auth.7]</ajxp:message> </td><td><input type="radio" name="FTP_DIRECT" style="width: 12px; padding:0px;" value="TRUE"><label style="display:inline-block;width:27px;">AJXP_MESSAGE[440]</label><input type="radio" name="FTP_DIRECT" style="width: 12px; padding:0px;" value="FALSE" checked><label style="display:inline-block;width:27px;">AJXP_MESSAGE[441]</label></td>
Save your changes.
IMPORTANT! Now you have to clear the data cache:
rm data/cache/*.ser
Now you are finished. Once you reload your pydio login screen in the browser you will be prompted with a slightly different one than before:
You can now login with every ftp user you create inside ISPConfig, no matter on what server of your multi-server-setup it resides. Have fun.