Linux Tutorials on the topic “security”

  • Creating A Safe Directory With PAM And EncFS

    Author: stefbonTags: Comments: 5

    Creating A Safe Directory With PAM And EncFS This HowTo is about creating a user-session-safe directory which offers security on- and offline. This is done with PAM, a module named pam_script and EncFS ("Encrypted Filesystem"). This safe directory is used to store credentials and other sensitive information during a session. When a usersession is ended, in the worst case an encrypted directory remains on the harddrive. In the best case everything is removed. This construction is only meant to store information during a session, not for documents or any other valid information.

  • Security Testing your Apache Configuration with Nikto

    Author: xenlabTags: , Comments: 11

    Security Testing your Apache Configuration with Nikto  By now you've got the perfect setup for your new Ubuntu 6.0.6 (Dapper Drake) box. You may have even followed the excellent Intrusion Detection and Prevention with BASE and Snort tutorial. And as an added precaution you installed DenyHosts to prevent hack attempts via ssh. But now that you've got your new LAMP server on the internet, how can you tell that your new web server is secure? You test it, of course!

  • Securing the CentOS Server with Bastille and PSAD

    centos Author: treedTags: , Comments: 1

    Securing the CentOS Perfect Setup with Bastille. This article shows how to secure a CentOS server using psad, Bastille, and some other tweaks. psad is a tool that helps detect port scans and other suspicious traffic, and the Bastille hardening program locks down an operating system, proactively configuring the system for increased security and decreasing its susceptibility to compromise.

  • How to Setup Port-Forwarding on OPNSense

    tux Author: Muhammad ArulTags: , Comments: 0

    This guide will show you how to set up NAT Port Forwarding on the OPNSense Firewall Router. We will allow public internet to access the server inside the private LAN. Allow SSH and HTTP connections from the public internet to the server on the private LAN.