Linux Tutorials on the topic “ispconfig”
How can I specify which prefix new users get upon creation (e.g. web[no]_)?
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0Go to Management -> System Config -> Settings. On the tab ISP-Manager you will see the field User Prefix where you can specify a prefix for users. You can use one of the following placeholders:[DOMAIN][HOST][WEBID]If you don't want a prefix, just leave it blank.
I changed some directives in the virtual hosts by hand, but they suddenly disappeared.
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0Never edit the vhost file manually. On the next update of the system your changes will be overwritten! Instead put your additional vhost configuration in the Apache Directives field in the ISPConfig Interface.If you want to add something manually to other files, e.g Postfix' local-host-names, you can put your configuration at the end of the file in a section that is not overwritten by ISPConfig.
I created a web xyz.tld and can reach it via, but not via xyz.tld.
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0Under Co-Domains please enter xyz.tld (without host!). The website will then also reachable via xyz.tld.
Where can I find statistics for the websites managed by the ISPConfig 2 system?
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0If the package webalizer is installed on your system you can find the statistics of the respective site in the folder stats (e.g. The statistics are updated once a day. If you create a new site you will not see statistics at once.
How do I authenticate myself to see the website statistics?
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0All users belonging to that site can log in with their username and password. If there are no users you can log in like this: Username: admin Password: stats
I created a new user but he cannot log in to see the website statistics.
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0The statistics are updated once a day. Once this has happened the new user can log in.
I have deleted a site/domain and now want to create a new site/domain with the same name but ISPConfig 2 does not allow it.
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0Most probably the deleted site/domain is still in the recycle bin. You have to delete them first in the recycle bin before you are able to create a new object with that name.
During install I get the following error: "configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under /usr."
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0To install ISPConfig 2, the MySQL Devel packages are necessary. After you installed the mysql-devel package from your linux distro, you can run the ISPConfig setup again.
Building packages for ISPConfig 2 (.pkg).
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0Here is a small guide on how to start with package building for ISPConfig 2:
Is there a way to remotely manage your system with ISPConfig 2?
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig • Comments: 0This functionality is now available as ISPConfig 2 plugin. You can add / modify / delete users, websites, dns-records, clients and resellers via a SOAP interface from external applications and scripts.