Secure SSH Using WiKID Two-Factor Authentication And TACACS+

These instructions are designed to help you configure and test using the WiKID TACACS+ protocol module via Linux PAM on Red Hat. This document has been updated to cover pam .99 and higher. We assume that you have already installed the open-source WiKID Strong Authentication Server Community Edition.

 TACACS+ is a Cisco protocol used to authentication users to networking equipment.   WiKID is a dual-source two-factor authentication system. PINs are encrypted on a software token and sent to the WiKID server. If the PIN is correct, the encryption valid and the account active, a one-time password is generated, encrypted and returned to the user's token where it is decrypted and presented for use with a network-based services.

First, edit your /etc/pam.d/sshd file to allow TACACS+ authentication:

auth       include      tacacs
account    required
account    include      system-auth
password   include      system-auth
session    optional force revoke
session    include      system-auth

Next, install pam_tacplus:

You can download it here:

$ tar xvfz pam_tacplus-1.2.9.tar.gz
$ make
# make install

Finally, create /etc/pam.d/tacacs:

auth       sufficient   /lib/security/ debug server= secret=support_secret encrypt
account    sufficient   /lib/security/ debug server= secret=support_secret encrypt service=shell protocol=ssh
session    sufficient   /lib/security/ debug server= secret=support_secret encrypt service=shell protocol=ssh

That should be it. You can test the configuration by logging in with a WiKID software token.




Astaro and two-factor authentication from WiKID
Squid with two-factor authentication from WiKID
Freeradius and two-factor authentication from WiKID
How to install the WiKID Strong Authentication Server Community Edition

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