ISP-Server Setup - Ubuntu 5.0.4 "The Hoary Hedgehog" - Page 6

3 Installing ISPConfig

I will install the current ISPConfig version. Download the current ISPConfig version from to your /tmp directory.

Unpack the ISPConfig-archive and change to the directory install_ispconfig:

tar xvfz ISPConfig*.tar.gz
cd install_ispconfig

Start the setup script


The installer will now compile an Apache with PHP5 that will run on port 81 and is needed by the ISPConfig system itself. It will not interfere with your existing Apache installation so you can go on unworried.

When the ISPConfig Apache is built, a custom SSL certificate is built. Therefore you are asked a few questions. You can accept the default values, or you can enter new values there, this does not matter:

In step 7 (Encrypting RSA private key of CA with a pass phrase for security [ca.key]) and step 8 (Encrypting RSA private key of SERVER with a pass phrase for security [server.key]) of the certificate creation process you are asked if you want to encrypt the respective key now. Choose n there because otherwise you will always be asked for a password whenever you want to restart the ISPConfig system which means it cannot be restarted without human interaction!

If the compilation fails, the setup is stopped and all compiled files are removed. From the error message you get you should be able to see the reason for the failure (in most cases a package (like the MySQL header files) is missing). Try to solve the problem and the re-run ./setup.

In case of success the setup goes on:

Please choose your language. This is the language of the ISPConfig interface.

Afterwards you are shown the ISPConfig licence (BSD licence). Please read it carefully! You accept it by typing y. If you do not want to accept the ISPConfig licence, type n, and the installation routine stops.

As installation mode I chose expert because i want to set the website root to /var/www. When you are asked for installation mode, type 2 and hit return.

Now you are ask if the daemons like postfix etc. are recognized correctly and for their file locations, chose yes y.

When you are asked:

Web-Root: /home/www
Is this correct? [y/n]

choose n and enter /var/www as Web-Root.

Now you are asked for some installation settings:

Please enter your MySQL server: localhost
Please enter your MySQL user: root
Please enter your MySQL password: (Enter the password you chose when setting up the MySQL Server)

Please enter a name for the ISPConfig database (e.g. db_ispconfig): db_ispconfig
Please enter the IP address of the ISPConfig web (e.g. (Enter your IP here)

Now you are ask to enter the host and domain of your server. If your server has a host and domainname, enter them now. As this is a test install in my local network, I leave the host empty and enter my IP address instead of the domain.

Please enter the host name (e.g. www):
Please enter the domain (e.g.

Please select the protocol (http or https (SSL encryption)) to use to access the ISPConfig system:
Your Choice:

After you have answered the questions ISPConfig should be duly installed. If you indicated www as host and as the domain during the installation, you will find the ISPConfig interface under or Here you can login first with the user name admin and password admin. It is recommended to change the password immediately! This can be done in the ISPConfig web interface under Tools -> Change password.

Then go to Management -> Server -> Settings in the ISPConfig control panel and tick the Maildir checkbox on the EMail tab.

If your server has more than one IP address, please check if your additional IP addresses have been correctly detected by the installation routine under Management -> Server ->
on the tab Server -> IP List.

You can find the whole ISPConfig installation instructions here:

The ISPConfig manuals can be found here:


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