There is a new version of this tutorial available for Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa).

The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 8.10 [ISPConfig 3] - Page 4

12 Install Postfix, Courier, Saslauthd, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, rkhunter, binutils

We can install Postfix, Courier, Saslauthd, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, rkhunter, and binutils with a single command:

aptitude install postfix postfix-mysql postfix-doc mysql-client mysql-server courier-authdaemon courier-authlib-mysql courier-pop courier-pop-ssl courier-imap courier-imap-ssl libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-sql sasl2-bin libpam-mysql openssl maildrop getmail4 rkhunter binutils

You will be asked the following questions:

New password for the MySQL "root" user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Repeat password for the MySQL "root" user: <-- yourrootsqlpassword
Create directories for web-based administration? <-- No
General type of mail configuration: <-- Internet Site
System mail name: <--
SSL certificate required <-- Ok

We want MySQL to listen on all interfaces, not just localhost, therefore we edit /etc/mysql/my.cnf and comment out the line bind-address =

vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
# localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
#bind-address           =

Then we restart MySQL:

/etc/init.d/mysql restart

Now check that networking is enabled. Run

netstat -tap | grep mysql

The output should look like this:

root@server1:~# netstat -tap | grep mysql
tcp        0      0 *:mysql                 *:*                     LISTEN      10447/mysqld

During the installation, the SSL certificates for IMAP-SSL and POP3-SSL are created with the hostname localhost. To change this to the correct hostname ( in this tutorial), delete the certificates...

cd /etc/courier
rm -f /etc/courier/imapd.pem
rm -f /etc/courier/pop3d.pem

... and modify the following two files; replace CN=localhost with (you can also modify the other values, if necessary):

vi /etc/courier/imapd.cnf
vi /etc/courier/pop3d.cnf

Then recreate the certificates...


... and restart Courier-IMAP-SSL and Courier-POP3-SSL:

/etc/init.d/courier-imap-ssl restart
/etc/init.d/courier-pop-ssl restart


13 Install Amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, And Clamav

To install amavisd-new, SpamAssassin, and ClamAV, we run

aptitude install amavisd-new spamassassin clamav clamav-daemon zoo unzip bzip2 arj nomarch lzop cabextract apt-listchanges libnet-ldap-perl libauthen-sasl-perl clamav-docs daemon libio-string-perl libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ident-perl zip libnet-dns-perl


14 Install Apache2, PHP5, phpMyAdmin, FCGI, suExec, Pear, And mcrypt

Apache2, PHP5, phpMyAdmin, FCGI, suExec, Pear, and mcrypt can be installed as follows:

aptitude install apache2 apache2.2-common apache2-doc apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils libexpat1 ssl-cert libapache2-mod-php5 php5 php5-common php5-gd php5-mysql php5-imap phpmyadmin php5-cli php5-cgi libapache2-mod-fcgid apache2-suexec php-pear php-auth php5-mcrypt mcrypt php5-imagick imagemagick libapache2-mod-suphp

You will see the following question:

Web server to reconfigure automatically: <-- apache2

Then run the following command to enable the Apache modules suexec, rewrite, ssl, actions, and include:

a2enmod suexec rewrite ssl actions include

Secure phpMyAdmin by deleting the /etc/phpmyadmin/htpasswd.setup file...

rm -f /etc/phpmyadmin/htpasswd.setup

... and remove or comment out the following section in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf:

vi /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf
#       # Authorize for setup
#       <Files setup.php>
#           # For Apache 1.3 and 2.0
#           <IfModule mod_auth.c>
#               AuthType Basic
#               AuthName "phpMyAdmin Setup"
#               AuthUserFile /etc/phpmyadmin/htpasswd.setup
#           </IfModule>
#           # For Apache 2.2
#           <IfModule mod_authn_file.c>
#               AuthType Basic
#               AuthName "phpMyAdmin Setup"
#               AuthUserFile /etc/phpmyadmin/htpasswd.setup
#           </IfModule>
#           Require valid-user
#       </Files>

Restart Apache afterwards:

/etc/init.d/apache2 restart


15 Install PureFTPd And Quota

PureFTPd and quota can be installed with the following command:

aptitude install pure-ftpd-common pure-ftpd-mysql quota quotatool

Edit the file /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common...

vi /etc/default/pure-ftpd-common

... and make sure that the start mode is set to standalone and set VIRTUALCHROOT=true:


Then restart PureFTPd:

/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd-mysql restart

Edit /etc/fstab. Mine looks like this (I added ,usrquota,grpquota to the partition with the mount point /):

vi /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0
# /dev/sda1
UUID=e7f9e640-1254-462f-b314-6471ce83db4d /               ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro,usrquota,grpquota 0       1
# /dev/sda5
UUID=32b41e4e-4d4a-4825-8922-27e8c6aeeb45 none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       0

To enable quota, run these commands:

touch /quota.user /
chmod 600 /quota.*
mount -o remount /
quotacheck -avugm
quotaon -avug


16 Install MyDNS

Before we install MyDNS, we need to install a few prerequisites:

aptitude install g++ libc6 gcc gawk make texinfo libmysqlclient15-dev

MyDNS is not available in the Ubuntu 8.10 repositories, therefore we have to build it ourselves as follows:

cd /tmp
tar xvfz mydns-
cd mydns-1.2.8
make install

Next we create the start/stop script for MyDNS:

vi /etc/init.d/mydns
#! /bin/sh
# mydns         Start the MyDNS server
# Author:       Philipp Kern <[email protected]>.
#               Based upon skeleton 1.9.4 by Miquel van Smoorenburg
#               <[email protected]> and Ian Murdock <[email protected]>.

set -e

DESC="DNS server"


# Gracefully exit if the package has been removed.
test -x $DAEMON || exit 0

case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting $DESC: $NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
                --exec $DAEMON -- -b
        echo "."
        echo -n "Stopping $DESC: $NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --quiet \
                --exec $DAEMON
        echo "."
        echo -n "Reloading $DESC configuration..."
        start-stop-daemon --stop --signal HUP --quiet \
                --exec $DAEMON
        echo "done."
        echo -n "Restarting $DESC: $NAME"
        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo \
                --exec $DAEMON
        sleep 1
        start-stop-daemon --start --quiet \
                --exec $DAEMON -- -b
        echo "."
        echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|reload|force-reload}" >&2
        exit 1

exit 0

Then we make the script executable and create the system startup links for it:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/mydns
update-rc.d mydns defaults


17 Install Vlogger And Webalizer

Vlogger and webalizer can be installed as follows:

aptitude install vlogger webalizer


18 Install Jailkit

Jailkit is needed only if you want to chroot SSH users. It can be installed as follows (important: Jailkit must be installed before ISPConfig - it cannot be installed afterwards!):

aptitude install build-essential autoconf automake1.9 libtool flex bison
cd /tmp
tar xvfz jailkit-2.5.tar.gz
cd jailkit-2.5
make install
cd ..
rm -rf jailkit-2.5*


19 Install fail2ban

This is optional but recommended, because the ISPConfig monitor tries to show the fail2ban log:

aptitude install fail2ban
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