Setting Up A News-Voting Website With Pligg - Page 4

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Under Configure Pligg Beta 9 you can do the main configuration for your Pligg installation. Browse through all the options; most of them are self-explanatory.

In the Template submenu you can change the Pligg template. The default template is called digitalnature:

You can find all available templates in the /templates folder - digitalnature, mollio-beat, and paul01:

The paul01 template looks like this:

And mollio-beat like this:

When you click on RSS Importer, a new browser window opens. If you do it for the first time, some database tables will be created:

Refresh the page. You should get the following message:

So delete /rss/create_mysql_tables.php with your FTP client:

Refresh the browser again. You should see this:

You can use the RSS import tool to let Pligg read RSS feeds and insert the news in these feeds into its database (so that people can vote for them). Of course, news can also be submitted by users.

After you have configured Pligg and gained enough users and news, your Pligg web site could look like this (this screenshot was taken from


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