Installing FOG Computer Imaging Solution On Fedora 8 - Page 2

Selecting First Boot Settings

The first time Fedora boots it will load a setup wizard, which allows you select how you would like Fedora to operate.

At the first boot welcome screen, click: Forward.

The next screen will ask you to accept the license agreement, do so and click: Forward.

The next screen is about the firewall, change the firewall to: Disabled and click: Forward.

The next screen will ask you about SELinux, set SELinux Setting to:Disabled and click: Forward.

The next screen will prompt you for the date and time settings, click: Forward.

The next screen will ask if you would like to send your hardware profile to Fedora select an option and click: Forward.

You will now be prompted to create a user, you may skip this step and just use the root user we created during installation by clicking: Forward.

The first boot wizard is now complete and you will be prompted to restart your computer.


Setting Up FOG

You system is now ready to login to and install the FOG Suite.

Log into Fedora using the root username and password you created during installation.

Now we must download the FOG package from sourceforge. To do this click on Applications -> Internet -> Firefox Web Browser and enter the URL Then click on the Download link. Then click on the latest release to start the download and save the package to the /opt directory. It should be named something like fog_x.xx.fc.tar.gz

Open a terminal (Applications -> System Tools -> Terminal) and type:

cd /opt
tar -xvzf fog*
cd fog*
cd bin

The installer will ask you for the IP address of the server, then press enter and the installer does the rest.

After the installation has completed open Firefox again and enter the URL: http://[youripaddress]/fog/management. You will then be prompted to install the database schema.

When the schema is up to date, attempt to go to the URL: http://[youripaddress]/fog/management again. This time you should be prompted to login, enter the username: fog and password: password.


Testing Your Installation

After login, click on the Hosts button (single computer monitor).

Then click on the Add New Host button. Enter at least a MAC address (seperated by :) and a hostname and click the Add button.

Now click on the Tasks button (the star).

Then click on List All Hosts and find the host you just created and click on the Advanced button.

Now under Advanced Actions click on Memtest86+ and confirm that you would like to start the task.

Now click on Active Tasks and you should see the task that you just created listed.

Lastly, start the client computer that you created a task for and ensure that in BIOS, PXE boot has the highest boot priority. If everything worked correctly, you should see memtest86+ load.

For more help uploading and downloading images from FOG see the FOG help section (the little lifesaver icon in the management section) or see the FOG website at

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