How To Install Managing News On Ubuntu
Managing News is an RSS/Atom based news tracker with search, republishing and mapping. This tutorial shows how to install Managing News on an Ubuntu server.
Configure MySQL
Create database:
mysqladmin create [database]
Access MySQL:
mysql -u root -p[password]
Grant manipulation privileges to the database:
ON [database].*
TO '[database_username]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';
Flush the grant tables (same as reload):
flush privileges;
Download Managing News
Type this command:
After download has finished, extract the file by typing this command:
After finish extracting the file, move the file to /var/www/ folder by typing:
mv managingnews-1.2/* /var/www/
Install Managing News
Go to the /var/www/sites/default/ folder and copy the default.settings.php to settings.php:
cd /var/www/sites/default/
cp default.settings.php settings.php
Then, change write permission of settings.php:
chmod a+w settings.php
In the same folder (/var/www/sites/default/ folder), create a files directory:
mkdir files
Then, change write permission of files directory:
chmod a+w files
Open your browser and type: http://YOURIPADDRESS/install.php
Choose profile: Click on install Managing News.
Set up database: Fill in the name of the database you created, database username and the database password.
Then, click "Save and continue" button.
Go to the /var/www/sites/default/ folder and remove write permission of settings.php:
cd /var/www/sites/default/
chmod a-w settings.php
Then, go back to the previous folder which is /var/www/sites/ folder and remove write permission of default folder:
cd ..
chmod a-w default
Configure site: Fill in Site name and Site e-mail address in "Site Information"section.
Configure site: Fill in Username, E-mail address, Password, Confirm password in "Administration account" section.
Configure site: Select for Default time zone, click Enabled for Clean URLs, and click Check for updates automatically for Update notifications in "Server settings" section.
Then, click "Save and continue" button.