Highly Available NFS Server Using DRBD And Heartbeat On Debian 5.0 (Lenny)

This HowTo explains how I set up a highly available NFS server using Debian 5 (Lenny) and drbd8 with heartbeat.

I did this setup a few days ago. Just for fun. So I thought, it's a good idea to document this.

Author - Vishal Sharma
Created - March 9, 2010
Version - 1.0

Disclaimer - This HowTo is provided as is and it comes with absolutely no warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk. These steps worked for me. So likely, they should work for you too. In case you run into any problems, please feel free to leave your comments below. I will try to address them as soon as I can.

Here's a summary of what you need to do:

Step 1. Do your system preparation. This involves setting up your basic hardware and software. (This is not covered as part of this HowTo.)

Step 2. Set up the necessary ip addresses.

Step 3. Install the necessary packages.

Step 4. Edit the relevant configuration files. 

Step 5. Start your system.

Step 6. Test it to make sure that it actually works.


STEP 1. Doing your System Preparation

I am using 3 Debian systems for this. All of them are a standard default install. However, I did make a change to boot my system to text mode. Since I don't have such a great hardware on my machine, I'd rather prefer to play around with the command-line.

Each system has an onboard network. Usually in production systems, this might not be the case. But since mine is a just a play-around install, I didn't care to  add stuff that would give better performance. 

If you don't want to dedicate a box, you can always use Sun VirtualBox for this and have your setup. It's much easier this way, as it offers you the benefit of taking system snapshots before you make any significant config changes. 

My test setup here is based on 2 servers and one client. In my scenario this client system is just a normal NFS client mounting shares from the NFS server. My setup here is Active/Passive and NOT Active/Active. So at any given time, your active system fails, the passive system will take over. 

On server01 and server02, I have 2 partitions, namely 

/dev/hdb1 - 500GB - which will be nfs mounted as /data.

/dev/hdc1 - 500MB - this will store drbd meta-data. It needs a minimum of 128MB. 

Make sure you don't mount any of these partitions.  This would be handled by drbd. Make sure you just make the partitions and just leave them as is. No format, no mounts for now. 


STEP 2. Set Up the necessary IP Addresses

Here's how I have named my systems:

server01 - (eth0)

server02 - (eth0)

client01 - (eth0)

Make sure you have the above entries in your /etc/hosts file so that name resolution is not a problem. This is probably the best option and you wouldn't want to get into a hassle of setting up a DNS server for this. would be my virtual floating IP address. This is the address that will be seen by the outside world and will float around from system to system as their state changes. 

My default gateway is, which is my router. I would need Internet access for package installs.


Step 3. Install the necessary packages

Most important thing for the HA cluster to function well is - THE TIME. The time on the systems should be the same. To ensure that, make sure you have ntp packages in place.

server01# apt-get install ntp ntpdate

Perform the above on server01 and server02.

On the servers, i.e. server01 and server02, you would need the following packages installed to get up and running.

drbd8, kernel header files, nfs-server install and heartbeat. So here's what I have done.

server01# apt-get update
server01# apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` drbd8-utils drbd8-source heartbeat nfs-kernel-server

(The above should take a while to complete.)

After the install completes, make the kernel drbd module using the following command:

server01# m-a a-i drbd8-source

This will perform a compile and make the drbd kernel module.

server01# modprobe drbd
server01# lsmod | grep drbd

(This should show you something, if this doesnt give you anything, then there is some problem somewhere that needs fixing.)

Disable nfs to start at boot time. This is done because nfs startup and shutdown is handled by drbd and we don't want the system to interfere.

server01# update-rc.d -f nfs-kernel-server remove
server01# update-rc.d -f nfs-common remove

Perform the same steps on server02 as well.


Step 4. Create / Edit the relevant configuration files 

These are the files you need to edit on server01 and server02.

To handle NFS exports - /etc/exports - (on server01 and server02):


For drbd configuration - /etc/drbd.conf (on server01 and server02):

global {
usage-count yes;
common {
  syncer { rate 10M; }

resource r0 {
  protocol C;
  handlers {
    pri-on-incon-degr "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
    pri-lost-after-sb "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";
    local-io-error "echo o > /proc/sysrq-trigger ; halt -f";

  startup {
    degr-wfc-timeout 120;    # 2 minutes.

  disk {
    on-io-error   detach;

  net {

  syncer {
    rate 10M;
    al-extents 257;

on server01 {
    device /dev/drbd0;
    disk /dev/hdb1;
    meta-disk /dev/hdc1[0];

on server02 {
    device /dev/drbd0;
    disk /dev/hdb1;
    meta-disk /dev/hdc1[0];

For heartbeat - /etc/ha.d/ha.cf - (on server01 and server02):

logfacility local0
keepalive 1
deadtime 10
bcast eth1
auto_failback on
node server01 server02

Set up heartbeat authentication - /etc/heartbeat/authkeys - (on server01 and server02):

auth 3
3 md5 your_password

Instead of using md5, you can also use sha1.  Don't forget to make this file read/write to root only.

chmod 600 /etc/heartbeat/authkeys 

(On server01 and server02.)

For making the ha resource available - /etc/ha.d/haresources - (on server01 and server02):

server01 IPaddr::
server01 drbddisk::r0 Filesystem::/dev/drbd0::/data::ext3 nfs-kernel-server

(NOTE: for server02, in the haresources file, you must have noticed that I have used the same hostname, i.e. server01. This is to make sure that when server01 is available online, server02 will hand back the control to it and it would turn to being secondary. Please make the above hostname change to server02, if you want it to remain as primary.)

After you have done all of the above, give these commands to initialize drbd meta-disk (on server01 and server02):

server01# drbdadm create-md r0 

(r0 this is the resource name.)

server01# drbdadm up all

Do a

cat /proc/drbd 

on server01 and server02 and you will see that both server01 and server02 are in Secondary Mode and they are inconsistent. That's pretty obvious, because we have not set up the nfs system yet and we have not defined which system is going to be the primary server. In my case it's server01. So I will give the following commands on server01:

server01# drbdsetup /dev/drbd0 primary -o
server01# mkfs.ext3 /dev/drbd0
server01# mkdir /data
server01# mount -t ext3 /dev/drbd0 /data

By default, the nfs server stores its mount state and locks under /var/lib/nfs and we want this to be retained in the event of a failover. So do this on server01:

server01# mv /var/lib/nfs/ /data/
server01# ln -s /data/nfs/ /var/lib/nfs
server01# mkdir /data/export
server01# umount /data
server01# cat /proc/drbd  

<--- See it carefully and you will notice that server01 is the primary system now. 

Issue these commands on server02, to prepare it for take over in the event of a failure. 

mkdir /data
rm -fr /var/lib/nfs
ln -s /data/nfs /var/lib/nfs

Hmm… that's pretty much it. You are done from the configuration perspective. Now go ahead and fire up your systems. 


Step 5. Starting your system

Start the necessary services on server01 and server02:

/etc/init.d/drbd start
/etc/init.d/heartbeat start

After the above has successfully completed, you will notice that server01 will have an additional IP - and /data is mounted. You can also check the /proc/drbd file for real time status.

On server02 you shouldn't see and /data.

tail -f /var/log/messages

and watch the fun.


Step 6. Testing it to make sure that it actually works

The best way to test it, is to do it the real and hard way. Just power off server01 and see how server02 takes over. Watch the take over logs on server02. :)

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