HOWTO: Encrypt The System Manually Upon Installation (Ubuntu 8.04) - Page 3

Step 5: Creating the "/home" folder

Afterwards we end in the main partitioning menu again. Select the free space:

Make a new partition:

Use all the remaining disk space for your home folder. That's where you normally want to store most of your data.

Again primary:

Set the properties according to the picture however you can change encryption, key size and algorithm according to your preferences. Make sure the encryption key is a passphrase.


Step 6: Configure the encrypted devices

Afterwards we end in the main partitioning menu again. Select the encrypted volumes:

Select here yes:

Then enter the password for the root device (partition #3 sda):

Verify the password for the root device:

If your password is too weak you will get this error message. Either go back and fix it or accept it. However a weak password defeats the purpose of having encryption. I only selected yes, because it's a demo setup on a virtual machine. So once I'm done it gets deleted anyway.

Then enter the password for the home device (partition #4 sda):

Verify the password for the home device:

Again the weak password message:

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