Enabling Compiz Fusion On An OpenSUSE GNOME 11.4 Desktop (NVIDIA GeForce 8100) - Page 2

I have the following plugins enabled in the Effects section: 3D Windows, Animations, Animations Add-On, Bicubic Filter, Blur Windows, Cube Gears, Fading Windows, Login/Logout, Motion blur, Paint fire on the screen, Reflection, Trailfocus, Water Effect, Window Decoration, Wobbly Windows:

Under Extras, I have Screenshot and Window Previews enabled:

In the Image Loading section, I have checked the following plugins: JPEG, Png:

Under Utility, I have checked the following plugins: Compiz Library Toolbox, Mouse position polling, Regex Matching, Workarounds:

Under Window Management, the following plugins are activated: Move Window, Place Windows, Resize Window, Scale, Shift Switcher:

Click on the Close button to leave the CompizConfig Settings Manager after you've made your configurations. Your 3D effects should start working immediately, i.e., no logout or reboot is needed.


5 Keyboard Shortcuts

Here's a list of the most common Compiz Fusion keyboard shortcuts:

SUPER+SHIFT+C = clear fire
CTRL+ALT+LEFT ARROW = rotate cube
CTRL+ALT+DOWN ARROW = flat desktop
SHIFT+ALT+UP = initiate window picker
CTRL+ALT+DOWN = unfold cube
ALT+TAB = window switch
SUPER+TAB = flip switcher or ring switcher, depending on which is enabled.
ALT+F7 = initiate 'move windows'
SHIFT+F9 = water effect
SHIFT+F10 = slow animations
CTRL+ALT+D = show desktop

For Grouping and Tabbing:
SUPER+S = select single window
SUPER+T = tab group
SUPER+Left = change left tab
SUPER+Right = change right tab
SUPER+G = group windows
SUPER+U = ungroup windows
SUPER+R = remove group window
SUPER+C = close group
SUPER+X = ignore group
Hold the SUPER button then select the windows you want to group and then hit SUPER+G.

The SUPER key is the Windows key on most keyboards.


6 Some Screenshots

Finally, here are some screenshots of Compiz Fusion in action:


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