Comments on Virtualization With XenServer Express 5.0.0

Virtualization With XenServer Express 5.0.0 This Howto covers the installation of XenServer Express 5.0.0 and the creation of virtual machines with the XenCenter administrator console. XenServer Express is the free virtualization platform from Citrix, the company behind the well known Xen virtualization engine. XenServer Express makes it easy to create, run and manage Xen virtual machines with the XenCenter administrator console. The XenServer Express installation CD contains a full Linux distribution which is customized to run XenServer Express.

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By: Anonymous

The guys over at 360is have released a great XenServer poster for administrators who sometimes need a memory refresher. Its freely downloadable in both standard and glitzy editions and should be a help to anyone new to XenServer.



By: Jelloir

FYI, They have removed the Memory and VM limitations in Version 5 Express so the first sentence is not correct anymore.


Express Unleashed.
We’ve taken the brakes off of XenServer Express Edition by removing the virtual machine and memory limits from the industry’s most powerful, free virtualization technology.  Download XenServer Express today and get started.  Or download a 30-day trial of XenServer Enterprise Edition to test drive all of XenServer’s great new enterprise features.

By: Robert Coulter

XEN Express sounds great and I would have used it on a previous version EXCEPT it requires a windows standalone PC for management and that destroys any desire for me to pursue any further,, Bob

By: Anonymous

Actually, you can manage it from the console now with v5 (with v4, you are right, it required you to connect with xencenter to add/remove/edit vms), but with v5, you can do it straight from the server itself :).

By: Armchair General

There are also some pre-installed hardware appliances now with XenServer (free or Enterprise) ready-configured, and a quick-start service for those short of time who need to get Xen into their infrastructure fast. Anyone know where I can get some ready made templates for OS like Solaris, xBSD, and so on?