Comments on VBoxHeadless - Running Virtual Machines With VirtualBox 4.0 On A Headless Debian Squeeze Server
VBoxHeadless - Running Virtual Machines With VirtualBox 4.0 On A Headless Debian Squeeze Server This guide explains how you can run virtual machines with VirtualBox 4.0 on a headless Debian Squeeze server. Normally you use the VirtualBox GUI to manage your virtual machines, but a server does not have a desktop environment. Fortunately, VirtualBox comes with a tool called VBoxHeadless that allows you to connect to the virtual machines over a remote desktop connection, so there's no need for the VirtualBox GUI.
1 Comment(s)
$ VBoxManage controlvm "Debian Squeeze Server" poweroff
This command is the equivalent to Hard-Off of a physical machine. It's not generally how a VM should be stopped unless the disks are synch'ed.
In your following examples, it makes sense to poweroff while the VM is "running", since you cannot connect to it to begin the install.
The general case for stopping a VM is to tell the VM itself (from the OS running inside it) to power off. The OS has then had the opportunity to synch disks, etc.
Likewise, the reset command is the same as pressing the reset switch on a physical machine.