Comments on VBoxHeadless - Running Virtual Machines With VirtualBox 4.0 On A Headless CentOS 5.6 Server

VBoxHeadless - Running Virtual Machines With VirtualBox 4.0 On A Headless CentOS 5.6 Server This guide explains how you can run virtual machines with VirtualBox 4.0 on a headless CentOS 5.6 server. Normally you use the VirtualBox GUI to manage your virtual machines, but a server does not have a desktop environment. Fortunately, VirtualBox comes with a tool called VBoxHeadless that allows you to connect to the virtual machines over a remote desktop connection, so there's no need for the VirtualBox GUI.

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By: David

If you have a webserver and PHP running then phpvitualbox is a great addition to a headless VirtualBox.

It's an open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. It uses VirtualBox' vboxwebsrv service. I have been using it for a couple of years now and it has all but replaced VMware Server on a remote build and testing machine.


I found that you also need to install the virtualbox extension pack.

once downloaded the pack install with the following  as root:

VBoxManage extpack install <file_name>

also add the following line when creating VM :

BoxManage modifyvm "Virtual_Machine_Name" --vrde on

Hope this helps