Comments on Ubuntu 11.04 Generic - The SysAdmin Way

Ubuntu 11.04 Generic - The SysAdmin Way In this tutorial I will guide you trough the setup of Ubuntu 11.04 Generic system the way a good linux system administrator would install it. After it is complete you will have a great starting point for all of your future Ubuntu linux needs. By that I mean the following: If you are using virtual environment, you will have an image that you can clone and convert in any supported virtual format and use it as a starting point for all of your Ubuntu virtual projects. If you install this on a real hardware you can also clone you installation and use it as a starting point on various other machines with similar hardware. I will not cover cloning and conversion in this tutorial. Also as I will edit and tweak few system settings in this tutorial that I will not explain much, I hope this guide will encourage you to further explore those options and Linux in general.

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By: zeljkojagust