Comments on The Perfect Desktop - Debian Lenny

The Perfect Desktop - Debian Lenny This tutorial shows how you can set up a Debian Lenny desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

7 Comment(s)

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By: Anonymous

Hi falko,

I have a problem how to install Debian Lenny on laptop with SCSI disk? thanks for answer!

By: mo

AS long it doesn't and open other partitions it will be 20 years behind..mood: furious

By: dave

Great article & very helpful!  Thanks for the time to put it together.

My preference is for KDE, but not sure how to do this with netinstall.  I have read that we have to use the Advanced install options, but that may lead to a messed up system as it is for advanced Debian users (I'm not -- Puppy user).  I have also read that users are having problems with adding the KDE packages and making it the default environemnt.  Anyone know how to use the netinstall and end up with a reliable KDE enviroment? 



By: craigevil

To install KDE using the netinstall

feeding the following command at the boot prompt:

install tasks="-desktop, standard"

As for the article why install a ton of media players? I can see installing mplayer, and maybe amarok, rythmbox or exaile no need for a ton of media apps.

By: sylware

Avoid like hell .net based technologies (since it will screw GNU/Linux one day, and it's bloatware): use gthumb (or other C language based non-bloated programs) instead of f-spot and stick to rhythmbox (or other C language non-bloated programs) instead of banshee.

Do not promote bloatware, especially the ones from companies who sweared to destroy GNU/Linux, because that will make the community take very high risks.

That's my advise

By: Todd

Another way to go about it.

We had a customer request a Live Debian disc like the ones available for Ubuntu. We were able to create one using remastersys, which is installable using the remastersys installer. See:

By: Anonymous

I just make a clean install on my hp nx9420 and after reboot doesn´t start the desktop.

Why if I exactly follow this tutorial ?


Thanks in advance.