Comments on How To Configure Web Access To Subversion Repositories Using Apache

How To Configure Web Access To Subversion Repositories Using Apache This how to is going to describe the steps to get the mod_dav_svn module to work on an Apache web server. First I'll assume that we don't have Apache and Subversion installed on our FreeBSD box, in a second part I'll explain how to add the module using our current installation.

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I forgot to mention that under /usr/local/share/subversion/hook-scripts directory there are some predefined scripts like

To use them only change their permissions with chmod +x file-name and in the repository/hooks/post-commit script edit the full path and make it executable (chmod +x post-commit)


By: sveronese

$message .= `svnlog diff -r $version /usr/home/svn/repos/test`;
mail("[email protected]","SubVersion Commit $repos $version",$mensaje,"From: [email protected]");

 The variable $mensaje IMHO should be replaced with $message.



By: Anonymous

The commande "svnlog" doesn't exist. Use "svnlook diff".

To resume:

 $message .= `svnlook diff -r $version /usr/home/svn/repos/test`;


Bests regards,


By: Pierre de France


 short tutorials like this one are great.

I particularly appreciated the part about post-commit.

