Comments on Squid - Delay Pools Bandwidth Management

Squid - Delay Pools Bandwidth Management This feature is used to restrict the bandwidth usage for the user community. It has been introduced in ver 2.x.

9 Comment(s)

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By: Daniel Trebbien

The Delay Pool class2 with Time based ACL example is incorrect in that it does not accomplish the goal of enabling delay pools "only during ... business hours".

The work_time ACL as listed:

acl work_time time MTWHF 09:00-18:00

matches whenever the day is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday or the time is from 9 AM to 6 PM (not and). To match business hours during the normal work week, you need two ACLs:

acl work_day time M-F
acl work_time time 09:00-18:00

The delay_access line should then be:

delay_access 1 allow work_day work_time

By: Anonymous

acl time it's OR not AND? Where did you get this information from?

By: Anonymous

this is good stuf, but how to configure same delay pools like

acl accounts src
acl accounts src
acl full src

http_access allow accounts
http_access allow full
http_access deny all

delay_pools 2
delay_class 1 2
delay_parameters 1 9000000/9000000 25000/25000
delay_access 1 allow accounts
delay_access 1 deny all

delay_class 2 2
delay_parameters 1 9000000/9000000 250000/250000
delay_access 2 allow full
delay_access 2 deny all

well why all my ips are getting the speed i mentioned in delay pool, even, as i have excluded it in delay pool. what is wrong with the configuration. i want to get maximum speed available, while rest of the network goes with the mentioned speed.


any word on that ;)


By: Fonya


You make all "src" the same, because the netmask. Don't use /24 netmask for an IP.


Interesting howto - I am sure this will come in handy sometime soon.



By: Mahmoud

acl    bw_users    src      # The acl defined for the Network    
delay_pools    1                                         # This will tell the delay pool number
delay_calss    1 1                                       # This defines the delay pool number 1 is a class1 type delay pool
delay_parameters    1    20000/15000        #This is delay parameter for pool number 1 which has the restore rate of 20000 when the usage hits 15000 bytes
delay_access    1    allow    bw_users      # This is the access tag which tie to the acl bw_users

By: Vishal Agarwal

The delay pools can be defined very easily using the webmin. And all the other functionality is defined here well.

By: Anonymous

Hello i am implementing it using SENTOS with class 2 but still i am not getting the desired result is there any other particular command for it?

By: Anonymous

Could you please check the numbers in this sentence: "If we have a Link with bandwidth of -(1.5Mb/s) 1544000 bytes/s of bandwidth."

1.5Mb/s = 1.5Mbps*1000 = 15000Kb/s *1000 = 1500000bps

1500000b/s / 8 = 187500Bps