Comments on The Perfect Server - Debian 9 (Nginx, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3.1)
This tutorial shows how to prepare a Debian 9 (Stretch) server (with Nginx, BIND, Dovecot) for the installation of ISPConfig, and how to install ISPConfig 3.1. ISPConfig 3 is a web hosting control panel.
18 Comment(s)
Installed the Debian 9 server with nginx following the above manual from scratch without problems. I can access the server only using the IP number but not with the domain name ( Couldn't find a solution. Need help.
Furthermore, I have difficulty in linking my registered domain name to my server. My ISP gives a static IP as well as two nameservers. Thank you for any help.
I finally completed this tutorial and I have good news, Its all OK! Was a geat job of all guys who invest time and effort to make this possible. Thanks!
Roundcube config.php misconfiguration error. Can not access roundcube.
Thanks for this tutorial, by the way i have a question: From step 22, where can i find the avf/ova link to download it please ?
Thank you for your answers!
In the menu on the right side of the page, there is a big red download icon and below that, there is the link.
Thanks till!
after setting up the system with all the needed hardening (pfs etc.) my server stops awnser http(s) requests over ipv6 originating from WAN after 10-20 minutes, but other local servers have no problems reaching him.the server os is debian 9.5 and all the software is up to date. there are some other servers (debian 9.0) "behind" my sophos utm with nginx and ispconfig with no problems but i can't pinpoint the differences.
Genial tutorial, genere el servidor en pero no puedo entrar a la base de datos por medio de PHPmyadmin teniendo la base de datos creada y el usuario creado. Obtengo el error "mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'dario'@'localhost' (using password: YES)". me pueden dar una ayuda ?
I was not asked for the password of the databases administrative user during the roundcube installation. Same problem as with peri0603. Is it possible to add that later somewhere? Or is there another solution for this?
Your tuto works great, but I still have an issue, which I didn't have before, when I was running ISPConfig on Debian 7 (with Apache).
The Roundcube only works with the default domain:
I need to work with all the domains in the system:
I saw a few tutorials on this with apache, but I'm a bit lost with NGinx. Can you help?
On my system here, it is reachable from all domains. Please take a look into the file /etc/nginx/sites-available/apps.vhost, which server_name do you have there? It should be:
server_name _;
which means that this vhost is a default vhost that accepts requests independent of the domain name.
Roundcube on other domains
The tuto works well for webmail with the main domain. The other domains webmail aren't reachable so easily.
They need to use the main domain's URL.
Any way to fix with NGinx?
I followed this and for some reason my server cannot send or recieve e-mails. I've done plenty of this under Debian 8.x without problem, so not sure why 9 is giving me fits.Trying to send from other servers returns the "message refused" response, and trying to send from Thunderbird says the SMTP connection was refused.
I'm not even sure imap login is working since it SEEMS to log in, but I can't actually send anything to it to read.
Take a look into the mail.log to see which errors you get there and post them into the ISPConfig forum here at howtoforge to get help.
Is it possible to "uninstall" and "reinstall" ISPConfig onto a system that has just had NGINX installed (but was previously setup with Apache)? What steps would one have to take for this?
If you choose to install on a VM like Virtualbox one should activate passive FTP:
1) Configure pure-ftpd
echo "40110 40210" > /etc/pure-ftpd/conf/PassivePortRange
service pure-ftpd-mysql restart2) Configure the firewall. If you use ISPConfig 3 on my server to configure the bastille firewall, you can add the nescessera port range in the ISPConfig firewall settings.
Change the list of Open TCP ports from:
20,21,22,25,53,80,110,143,443,3306,8080,10000,40110:40210and then click on "Save".
hey please, atualize this post, php 7.3 stops, and amavis, spamassasin and clamav, stops too, do not install more.
The tutorial still works fine, no changes needed. Most likely your server has not enough RAM when the services fail. If you need further help, please post your issue in the ISPConfig support forum here at howtoforge.