Comments on How to Install FAMP Stack (Apache / MySQL / PHP) on FreeBSD 12

The FAMP stack, which is akin to a LAMP stack on Linux, is a collection of open-source software that is typically installed together to enable a FreeBSD server to host dynamic websites and web applications. FAMP is an acronym that stands for FreeBSD (operating system), Apache (HTTP server), MySQL/MariaDB (database server), and PHP (programming language to process dynamic PHP content).

7 Comment(s)

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By: Luiz Danin

Congratulations on the article, could you do an article on how to install FAMP on the nextcloud 18?

By: Derek C Johnstone

Brilliant article.

Worked well for me.

Just a few points

I am logged in a root on the console for all work, and use sh shell.

I didn#t have sudo installed, perhaps that could be in the "before you begin" checks?

1. Install mysql80-client mysql80-server took nearly 2 hours of runtime.

2. Optional PHP modules, the command

# pkg search ^php74-*                             #did not work

# pkg search \^php74-  | more                  # did a good job


Many Thanks for this write up.   Regards  Derek





By: FreeBSD on VMware

Great article. Thanks very much.  I ran this inside ESXi - this link is for vmware tools for freebsd, which I did after the updates section on your page.

you can also rename info.php to something custom, then remove info.php

Do you have a Wordpress install article for after?  Thanks again!

By: lm

Thank you very mush for this article it worked 100% for me .

By: Hackensolo

PHp74 not work becaus library is not loaded

LoadModule php7_module libexec/apache24/

By: Godfrey Hamshire

Thank you for the write up its been a great help to me, regards

By: Jeff Telford

You don't need to enable PHP-FPM if you're using MOD_PHP.