Comments on How To Upgrade From Fedora 17 To Fedora 18 With FedUp (Desktop & Server)

How To Upgrade From Fedora 17 To Fedora 18 With FedUp (Desktop & Server) This article describes how you can upgrade your Fedora 17 system to Fedora 18 with the help of the Fedora Updater (FedUp). The upgrade procedure works for both desktop and server installations.

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By: Gyffes

use this process to upgrade from Fed16 --> Fed18 (or 19, if 18 is as bad as advertised)?

By: Neal Becker

Be sure to run

yum distro-sync

If you ever installed any packages from testing repos, this will avoid problems when running fedup 

By: sarav

i've done everything for F17 to F21 upgrade but when the reboot happens, the upgrade progress bar progresses to some 35% and then system automatically reboots to the boot menu where again, only F17 is present. Please advise what to do ?