Comments on How to install Sogo Groupware Server on Debian
Today we talk about Sogo. SOGo is a fully supported and trusted groupware server with a focus on scalability and open standards, is released under the GNU GPL/LGPL v2 and above. SOGo provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV, and GroupDAV, as well as Microsoft ActiveSync.
5 Comment(s)
You can also easily use it as Webmail frontend with ISPconfig - Just use a view in MySQL to present the email-users table in sogo database:
Try e.g.:
CREATE VIEW `sogo_users` AS select `dbispconfig`.`mail_user`.`login` AS `c_uid`,`dbispconfig`.`mail_user`.`email` AS `c_name`,`dbispconfig`.`mail_user`.`password` AS `c_password`,`dbispconfig`.`mail_user`.`name` AS `c_cn`,`dbispconfig`.`mail_user`.`email` AS `mail`,substring_index(`dbispconfig`.`mail_user`.`email`,'@',-(1)) AS `domain` from `dbispconfig`.`mail_user`
In sogo,conf:
SOGoUserSources = ( { type = sql; id = ispconfig; viewURL = "mysql://sogo:xxxxxxxxxxx@localhost:3306/sogo/sogo_users"; canAuthenticate = YES; isAddressBook = YES; userPasswordAlgorithm = crypt; DomainFieldName = domain; } );
Am I the only one that has not SOGo.conf file?
Great HowTo - the only thing is: How do I connect my IMAP-Server (Dovecot) to Sogo? If I follow this tutorial and log in to Sogo Web Interface and klick on Mail I get "No mailbox selected"regards,Thilo
Great HowTo!
I have the same problem, in the last step I can't find a SOGo.conf file... How do I get it fixed?
/Disclaimer - I'm using Raspian on my Raspberry instead of Debian - but that shouldn't be the problem in this case, right? I also read that there were other successful installs on Raspbian. And I'm really no expert in Linux or anything else actually...
The config file is located under /etc/apache2/conf.d/
It's only a small error in a great tutorial. I was able to locate the config file, but I guess I made a mistake, because I cannot login any user... How do I re-create a user?